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Shanmukhi Mudra: Meaning, Best Application

Shanmukhi Mudra: Meaning, Best Application

Shanmukhi Mudra is a simple practice to inward the awareness (that usually flows out) by closing our sense of perception. On doing this, a...
18 Best Yoga Sitting Poses for All Yogis

18 Best Yoga Sitting Poses for All Yogis

Yoga Sitting poses offer a wonderful way to gradually awaken the body in the morning or indulge in deep, satisfying stretches after a vigorous...


Creation: Tortilla or pita bread - 4 PCs. Boiled beans-350 g Quinoa-100 g Tomato - 1 PC. Corn-350 g Sweet pepper - 1 PC. Avocado - 2 PCs. Cheese-100 g Salsa or ketchup...
Balance Yoga Poses: Crow Pose | Crane Pose

Balance Yoga Poses: Crow Pose | Crane Pose

A compact arm balance, Crow Pose, and Crane Pose tone the abs and the arms, strengthen the core, and focus the mind. Balance Yoga Poses....
The Sacral chakra is the 6 best balances

The Sacral chakra is the 6 best balances

Sacral Chakra some people think that our body contains a number of energy centers. The Sanskrit term for "wheel" is where the word "chakra"...

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: The First 4 chapters of YSP

If you’re seeking to learn the real essence of yoga, then apart from yoga asana, Pranayama & other practices, “Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (YSP)” is one master key you...

Nadia Shodhana’s breathing calms and relaxes

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How to find your Spiritual Master (guru) part 1

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Shavasana 8-poses for deep relaxation

The Shavasana yoga asana has substantiated itself as a posture for unwinding practice for a significant long time, yet not many individuals realize that...

Wonderful “Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha”?

If you practice yoga or have a thorough understanding of what yoga is! Then you've undoubtedly heard this phrase in yoga: Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha This...

The Best Basti Kriya (Yoga Enema)

Basti Kriya is a technique of replenishing the body internally by cleansing the colon thoroughly. It is one of the six purification techniques known...

Yoga squats Malasana

Yoga squats Malasana for those who have been practicing yoga for months (or just can boast of a good stretch), you can gradually move...

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Mayurasana (Peacock Pose) Meaning, Steps, Benefits

Mayurasana (Peacock Pose) Meaning, Steps, Benefits

Introduction One of the earliest non-seated yoga poses is Mayurasana, which is recorded in the Sanskrit classic Amrita Siddhi, which was likely written in the...
Yoga Challenge - what is it, benefits and harms

Yoga Challenge – what is it, benefits and harms

Yoga challenge – what it is - is not ordinary yoga classes, but exercises for two, which lead to the development and harmonization of...

Pumpkin so-pureeup

Pumpkin puree soup is something that a gourmet cannot do without in winter. What could be nicer than dipping crusty bread into a large...

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