13 golden rules of women’s yoga

13 golden rules of women’s yoga

The 13 Golden Rules of Women’s Yoga are not so complicated, but for a full-fledged home yoga practice, we recommend that you buy books and consult them. So you will be able to master a huge number of asanas, gradually increasing the level of difficulty, as you progress in this wellness gymnastics.

YOGA for Women-The Golden Rules of Women’s Yoga

In our time, there is no one who has never heard the word yoga. Everyone talks about the benefits of yoga for women, but is it really so?

When I started doing yoga regularly, I became convinced of this. What happened to my body, and how yoga affected my women’s health, I will tell you in this article.

YOGA for Women-The Golden Rules of Women's Yoga
golden rules of women’s yoga

Why do women do yoga?

Yoga brings many benefits:

  • improves joint health
  • maintains freshness and sharpness of mind
  • improves sleep
  • prevents injuries in sports
  • accelerates the recovery of the body after physical training
  • prevents diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and autoimmune disorders
  • eliminates the negative effects of office work
  • increases the level of happiness and gives good health

Basic golden rules of women’s yoga

First of all, you need to decide on the time of classes. Experts believe that the best time to practice is in the morning, as yoga fills the body with energy, so necessary for the working day.

However, the average duration of classes is 2 hours, so many people transfer yoga lessons at home to the evening, which is also allowed. The body is more flexible at this time, so the exercises are easier to perform a relaxing complex for beginners, performed just before bedtime, contributes to a night of sound sleep and full rest.

Even if the day was not easy, you need to try to allocate yourself at least 20 minutes to relieve tension. It will be more reasonable than trying to catch up and then study for four hours instead of two.

So, you have made a choice in favor of such gymnastics as yoga, where to start at home? It is necessary to determine the place of training. This should be a corner where no one will disturb you and interrupt your occupation, thereby violating the harmony of soul and body.

It can be a separate room, a terrace, and in the warm season you can practice in the fresh air, experts say that training in nature is more effective. Wherever a yoga class for beginners is held, the place you choose should cause only positive emotions.

Here are the golden rules of yoga that experienced yogis give to beginners:

  • Take a shower before training, not after, as the main therapeutic property of yoga practice is a change in blood circulation.
  • Before class (15 minutes in advance), drink a glass of ginger drink or warm milk with honey. This will make the body more receptive to yoga.
  • Don’t eat anything before class. Hunger will contribute to the process of losing weight, and during exercise, you will get rid of the feeling of discomfort
  • Noise is also not an ally of yoga, so if you are distracted by extraneous sounds, use headphones or earplugs. You can get rid of the light irritant with a blindfold.
  • Before you start training, review the yoga complex for beginners at home again, remember the sequence of asanas and start small.
  • Exercises of the yoga complex for beginners at home should be performed on a stable surface, preferably covered with a mat, to avoid injuries, because you will train barefoot
  • Choose loose clothing made of natural textures. Synthetics should be abandoned, as it does not allow air to pass through and does not remove moisture from the body, and this is not hygienic.

 1. Garudasana. The pose of the eagle.

The eagle pose is a balance asana that strengthens and tones the leg muscles while relaxing the joints. This asana will teach you to strain some muscles, relaxing others, it is easy to feel this process.

Garudasana completely relaxes the back muscles, eliminating lower back pain and developing a sense of balance.

 Garudasana. The pose of the eagle.
golden rules of women’s yoga

2. Virabhadrasana III. The position of hero III.

The hero’s pose gives a beautiful shape to the legs, strengthens the back, especially the lower back, and tones the abdominal organs. This pose is especially recommended for people who are engaged in running, as it develops mobility.

Virabhadrasana strengthens the popliteal muscles, restores the mobility of the knee after injury, and increases the ability of the knees to bear loads.

Virabhadrasana III. The position of hero III
golden rules of women’s yoga

3. Paripurna Navasana. The position of the boat.

This pose is the best way to increase blood circulation in the abdomen. Paripurna refers to asanas that strengthen the abdominal, hip, and back muscles.

The boat pose improves digestion, relieves back pain, and stimulates proper thyroid function.

Paripurna Navasana. The position of the boat
golden rules of women’s yoga

Lying positions

1. Anantasana. The sleeping Vishnu pose

Anantasana eliminates fat deposits in the buttocks, thighs, and waist. Despite the fact that the pose is performed lying down, it belongs to the balance.

The sleeping Vishnu posture is very good for the pelvic area. Prevents the development of a hernia, relieves back pain, and tones the hamstrings.

Anantasana stretches and relaxes the transverse back muscles while relaxing tension in the abdomen and knee joints.

Anantasana. The sleeping Vishnu pose
golden rules of women’s yoga

2. Bhujangasana. Cobra pose.

The Cobra pose, despite its apparent simplicity, is a very effective asana, contributing to the harmonization of the hormonal background.

After conducting clinical trials in India, it became known that Bhujangasana reduces the release of stress hormones and increases the production of testosterone.

The Cobra pose stimulates the kidneys and adrenal glands, makes the spine flexible and strong, strengthening the back muscles while strengthening the shoulder girdle, arms, and buttocks.

Asana helps to improve the condition of the pelvic organs in women and potency in men. If you want to relieve fatigue, include Bhujangasana in the set of exercises for the evening.

Bhujangasana. Cobra pose
golden rules of women’s yoga

3. Ardha Navasana. Half of the boat pose.

Promotes massage of internal organs, has a positive effect on the liver, gall bladder, and spleen because it is shown to people suffering from liver diseases.

Breathing in the Ardha Navasana should be shallow, but even, which will increase its effect on the organs. Half of the boat pose perfectly strengthens the group of muscles of the press and back, makes the hips slim.

Ardha Navasana. Half of the boat pose
golden rules of women’s yoga

4. Shalabhasana. The pose of a grasshopper

It improves digestion, strengthens the back, and makes the spine flexible. Salabhasana relieves back pain and eases the pains of the lumbosacral.

The grasshopper’s posture is particularly good for the bladder and prostate.

Shalabhasana. The pose of a grasshopper
golden rules of women’s yoga

Postures bend.

1.Adho Mukha Of Svanasana. Pose of the dog with its face down.

The dog’s face-down pose relieves fatigue and restores lost energy. Very suitable for runners, as a pose to rest after a race. Promotes lightness in the legs, softens salt spurs, and relieves pain in the heels.

Mukha Shvanasana strengthens the ankles, which gives the legs a beautiful shape, perfectly relieves pain in the shoulder joints for arthritis, makes the shoulder blades mobile.

Due to the fact that the diaphragm turns over, this asana helps to slow down the heartbeat. It stimulates blood circulation in the brain, renewing cells, and also improves the complexion.

Asana has a positive effect on the abdominal cavity, helps to improve digestion.

Adho Mukha Of Svanasana. Pose of the dog with its face down.
golden rules of women’s yoga

2. Padangushthasana. The slope with the capture of the big toe.

Relieves stress, strengthens the legs, and gives flexibility to the spine. But the most positive effect is on the abdominal organs.

Padangushthasana stimulates the release of digestive juices while activating the full work of the spleen and liver.

Exercise calms, relieves headaches and insomnia, and eliminates the negative symptoms of menopause.

Padangushthasana. The slope with the capture of the big toe
golden rules of women’s yoga

3. Parshvottanasana. Intensive lateral pull.

It restores the blood supply to the feet, and proper Parshvottanasana will make the feet hot even on a cold floor.

The lateral extension makes the pelvis and spine mobile, removes the clip from the shoulders, and makes the wrists mobile. This asana has a good effect on your posture, correcting it in just two weeks of practice.

Parshvottanasana. Intensive lateral pull.
golden rules of women’s yoga

4. Pashchimottanasana. Tilt to the feet while sitting.

Bending to straight legs while sitting is a therapeutic asana for the spine. In this position, the stoop and curvature of the spine are corrected. But the most important property of paschimottanasana is the rejuvenation of the nerves of the vertebral column.

In addition, this asana has a very beneficial effect on all the organs of the digestive system. The effect of this exercise on the genitourinary organs, pancreas, stomach, intestines, liver, and spleen is simply invaluable!

The asana will reduce appetite, improve digestion, and remove fat from the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. Paschimottanasana normalizes and regulates the endocrine system and heart.

Pashchimottanasana. Tilt to the feet while sitting
golden rules of women’s yoga

Yoga exercises for women contraindications to yoga classes

Give up yoga classes, especially at home when:

  • increased body temperature (above 37 degrees);
  • Acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections, and general poor health;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system.

It is also not necessary to start yoga classes after active physical exertion, after a bath, or after taking alcoholic beverages (at least a day should pass), after suffering severe stress and irritation, as well as in the first 2 days of menstruation.

The complex ends with Shavasana:

golden rules of women’s yoga
  • lie down on the mat, bend your knees, put your feet on the mat;
  • hands straighten at an acute angle to the floor (45 degrees), palms “look” up;
  • close the eyes and fix the position for 1-2 minutes; relax the lower back;
  • straighten one leg and press it to the floor, then the second;
  • feel the whole body, every cell of the body;
  • relax the muscles, there will be a pleasant heaviness;
  • if there are clamps in the body, then you need to pay more attention to these areas;
  • lie in the pose for at least 10 minutes.
  • then slowly raise your knees to your chest, roll to the side and sit on the floor
  • control your feelings for 1-2 minutes;
  • stand up calmly.

The more complex, the more opportunities for growth

And afterward, I turned out to be more mindful of the training. I started to plunge into my sentiments as profoundly as could be expected. I was in a real sense dissolving into them. Since I realized I just had 15 minutes, and that time I expected to utilize 100 %!

Furthermore, with this disposition, the body truly started to completely submerge itself in the training and reacted to me with lovely sensations when I did it effectively. I had the option to jump into the asana from the main seconds, and my body started to radiate charming sensations, yet bliss and joy. As I understood later, it was just the chemical oxytocin.

Simultaneously, I ran over an article by a scholar that the act of people ought to be profoundly unique. A man’s training can be based on surviving and accomplishing. Though a lady’s training is just founded on delight.

The more a lady gets delighted and lovely sensations, the more her fruitfulness builds — and this is the main marker of a cheerful and mollified lady and that she is doing everything right.

The more complex, the more opportunities for growth
golden rules of women’s yoga

Happy woman-happy gods

I love the articulation: “If a lady is fulfilled, the divine beings are fulfilled.” And this applies to everybody around you. Furthermore, as a matter of first importance to our loved ones. Everything starts with a lady and everything is attached to her. In this manner, it is so essential to deal with your condition and disposition yourself.

Rehearsing as intentionally as could really be expected, permitting my body to appreciate the act of yoga, I by and by got persuaded of the explanation that satisfaction is in our grasp. Also, these are not meaningless remarks with an apparatus like yoga.

The body misses joy, and the more it appreciates, the better and more grounded it becomes. Furthermore, this is the delight for which you won’t need to pay. Before. From this training, there is a more prominent flood of energy. Furthermore, this energy is all-inclusive.

By filling your body with yourself, you can utilize this energy however you see fit. On the family, on yourself, on innovativeness or social acknowledgment. The female force is in delight. What’s more, this asset is boundless and we can generally unload it and use it as your heart wants.

13 golden rules for the benefits of yoga for women

You can find out about asanas in my articles here. About yoga for weight reduction in this article. Furthermore, presently you will figure out how to rehearse so that you can appreciate and amplify the advantages of yoga practice for your figure and a positive mindset.

  • Before you get used to doing yoga every day, do only what you like.
  • It is better to do less, but as consciously as possible than a lot, but absent-mindedly and without pleasure.
  • Try to practice at the same time and in the same place.
  • Take an approximate pose and immerse yourself in it as much as possible with your attention and feelings.
  • Carefully monitor the discomfort that occurs, as soon as it appears, immediately leave the pose, or find a more comfortable position in the asana.
  • The deeper you go into the asana, the more relaxed you should be.
  • Relaxation is the key to enjoyment. Even when you are doing complex asanas and some muscles are straining, your task is to continue to relax.
  • Don’t get involved in the thoughts that come to you. Return your attention to the sensations of the body.
  • When you begin to feel the energy in the body that is released in the asana, calmly watch it, let it flow wherever it wants.
  • Even if you only worked out for 5 minutes, do not ignore the rest-Shavasana. This is the most important asana of all — it distributes the energy released in the practice in the most correct way.
  • If in the process of practicing yoga you will come to brilliant thoughts do not chase them, but do not break away from the place for their implementation. Leave all matters for later, decide everything after Shavasana.
  • Using this list of asanas, do not introduce new asanas into the daily complex more often than once a month and no more than 1-2 at a time. It is better to achieve perfection in 5 asanas than to try everything without understanding their essence.
  • Remember, the most important teacher is within you. Open it, and then everything you do will bring you only benefit and success!

The master teacher is inside you

The advantages of yoga can be recorded unendingly. What’s more, everybody definitely realizes that. What’s more, numerous individuals go to yoga classes for this. Furthermore, what to do if that is not the issue. Is it about figuring out an ideal opportunity for yoga? Or then again track down a reasonable instructor? Or then again track down an appropriate sort of yoga? Imagine a scenario in which we have effectively gone to 20 unique classes, yet have not felt the normal impact of it.

As one of my Teachers said — the expert educator is inside you. Also, just you will actually want to find it in yourself. Not an educator or instructor. Not a video course or a yoga instructional exercise. Just you and your internal sentiments. I need to educate you concerning them later.