Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Everything You Should Know About It

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Everything You Should Know About It
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Everything You Should Know About It

Everybody is talented because everybody who is human has something to express. ~ Brenda Ueland

The ability to share one’s words, feelings, emotions, and creativity with others through the art of expression makes the world appear to be a lovely place. Is it not?

Our body’s throat serves as the site of expression, which has an impact on our ability to hear, see, and communicate. We can comprehend the energy connected to a throat through the throat chakra in the subtle body.

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): What Is It?

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Everything You Should Know About It

 The throat chakra is home to creativity with sound as it is located at the base of the subtle body’s throat. Its purpose is to express truth coming from the soul and is the center of communication and speech, it also regulates hearing and listening

It is known as Vishuddha in Sanskrit, which literally translates to “Purest” Vishuddha is indeed called something that has undergone both physical and mental purification.

Kantha, Kantha-Desha, Kantha-Padma, Kantha-Pankaj, Shodasha, and Kanthambhoja are some more names for the throat chakra.

Ether/akasha, the element connected to this chakra, functions as a channel for the vibrations of mantras.

This chakra’s energy is the origin of the voice in the body and functions as a pressure valve to pass energy from one chakra to the next.

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Everything You Should Know About It
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Everything You Should Know About It

Characteristics of Throat Chakra

1) Honor your right to speak

This characteristic of the throat chakra is typical because “each word functions as your bond.” Every time you make a commitment, you’re risking your honor. This means that you are trustworthy since you cherish honesty and would never betray your commitments to others.

2) Honor your unique power of existence

Every human being is born with different abilities and a different life purpose. This indicates that it is essential to objectively assess actual aspirations and avoid being swayed and mesmerized by others.

Self-esteem is the attitude people have toward themselves, either positively or negatively, and a balanced throat chakra enables us to fully accept and express our individuality.

3) The 5 T’s of Communication

The 5 T’s of communication are;

  • Throat chakra- Balanced
  • Timing
  • Tone
  • Technique
  • Truth

These guidelines of communication are meant to set the stage for a beneficial overall impact of our words.

By assisting with the release of all speaking and listening-related anxieties, the throat chakra enables one to be fully present in the moment with the ability to speak.

4) Respect your words, they are the bond with your Vissudha chakra

No matter who the recipient is or how minor the promise may be, you must keep your word if you have made it. It demonstrates the ability to make choices while being confident that you can honor your commitments to either yourself or another person.

5) Will Power and Power of Choice

Making decisions that are in line with your life purpose, which appeals to both the desires of the heart and the wisdom of the mind, will help you develop strong willpower since the decisions you make disclose your goals.

Thorat Chakra in Detail

To fully comprehend the throat chakra, we must be aware of and educated on the following factors:

1. Location

Anatomical Position: Situated in the middle of the neck, just above the collarbone, at the level of the throat.

This chakra serves as the energy conduit between the body’s lower regions and the brain. It is primarily motivated by the ideas of expression and communication.

Corresponding to the laryngeal nerve [efn_note] Learn more about Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Associated with Throat [][/efn_note], this chakra is associated with both hearing and listening & is the purification point of the body and the center of wisdom, willpower, truth.

The mouth, jaws, tongue, pharynx, and palate are all connected to the throat chakra, which is also connected to the pharyngeal and brachial plexus. Additionally, the neck and shoulders are connected to it.

The thyroid, which controls body temperature, growth, and, to a significant extent, metabolism, is one of the related glands.

2. Color Coding of Throat Chakra

Color: Blue or turquoise

The first of the three fundamental colors in our color spectrum, blue, unites us with the divine and is also the color of heaven.

Pure, healing, and at the cooler end of the spectrum, blue energy also enables us to take some quiet time.

Blue is associated with the throat, esophagus, thyroid, neck, cervical spine, mouth, teeth, and jaw at the physical anatomical level.

3. Symbol of Awakening

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Everything You Should Know About It
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Everything You Should Know About It

The throat chakra connects feeling and thought by being situated halfway between the head and the heart. The throat chakra sign is frequently shown as a circle within a descending triangle in radiant blue hues—the color of knowledge, faith, purity, and trust.

  1. Number of Petals in Thorat Chakra symbol: 16 (Sixteen)
    The lotus flower symbolizes the development of human consciousness. This chakra has 16 petals, each linked with one of the Sanskrit vowels, a mantra.
  2. White Circle/Silver Crescent: The central chakra region is white, transparent, and sky-blue in color, symbolizing the cosmic sound i.e. Nadim, which represents purity. It represents the full moon pointing towards our psychic powers.
  3. Downward-Pointing Triangle: It represents the akasamandala. The downward-pointing triangle of the throat chakra is symbolic of spiritual growth and is affiliated with the gathering of information, while the wide upward sides represent the knowledge leading to Enlightenment.
  4. White Elephant: Airavata (elephant) is the animal gesture of throat chakra. Airavata carries the sound mantra & Indra, the god of thunder as per Hindu mythology. The white elephant is symbolic of strength, prosperity, and luck.

4. The Energy Frequency and Seed Mantra

Better communication results from the sacred frequency of the throat chakra acting as a conduit for a self-generating force of expression.
Seed mantra, or Bijaakshara: HAM
the 384 Hz frequency.

5. Associated Element with Throat Chakra

Ether/Spirit/Life and Sound, which represent the Level of Psychology/Mind and are associated with Transformation, Unification, Power, and Time, are the elements connected to the Throat Chakra.

The vibration of the sound is sent into the air through the throat, where it is felt throughout the body, not just in the ears.

The Throat chakra is associated with psychological and behavioral characteristics:

  • Expression is an inability to express & speak out.
  • Communication skills.
  • Connection with the etheric realm or soul.
  • Realizing your purpose in life.
  • Good sense of timing and connectivity.

Balanced Throat Chakra

When the Throat chakra is in a balanced stage, one is able to express thoughts & desires in a connective relationship with the heart chakra and, mind.

The energy emanating from a balanced Vishuddha chakra rises from the sacral chakra, passes through the solar plexus, and continues on its upward trajectory, allowing the values and needs contained within the energy to be expressed freely.

One learns to express his thoughts, values, and feelings and lives in harmony when:

  • Openly able to express feelings and thoughts.
  • Living in a creative way.
  • Good sense of timing and communication skills.
  • Imaginative & imperative speech.
  • Trusting your inner guidance viz your inner self.
  • Openly passing knowledge

Therefore, a rhythmic, resonant, clear, and precise voice denotes a balanced fifth chakra stage, which defines your capacity for making decisions and, consequently, for pursuing your dreams.

Imbalanced Throat Chakra

When the throat chakra is out of balance, the physical symptoms shown are sore throat, tight jaw, stiff neck, and frequent headache.

Spiritually, lying, feeling afraid of others’ intentions, stuttering, or having trouble finding the right words become habits that are balanced by emotions of isolation and misunderstanding.

By causing mental uncertainty that results in timidity, a fear of speaking up, and occasionally manipulative behavior, the blocked Throat Chakra has an impact on one’s capacity for communication. To stifle inner unhappiness, one speaks half-truths and untruths rather than speaking up fully and from the heart.

When the fifth chakra is blocked, ideas cannot pass through to the lower chakras where they are transformed into reality, which includes additional characteristics such as.

  • Fear of speaking
  • Difficulty putting feelings into words
  • Shy, quiet, and withdrawn
  • Out of touch with your own desires
  • Not trusting intuitive powers

More precisely are the following features of imbalanced throat chakra in communication:

  • Talking too much
  • Talking as a defense
  • Dominating voice
  • Inability to listen
  • Have to appear strong at all costs

Physical Imbalances:

  • Cold symptoms
  • Tickle or phlegm in the throat
  • Coughing
  • Stress
  • Hyperactivity
  • Allergies
  • Signs of a goiter
  • Stuffy, runny nose
  • Fatigue

Overactive Vishuddha Chakra

When this chakra is in its over-reactive phase, the person may yell and dominate people in a conversation, not allowing them to speak or listen to them, with a loud and shrill voice, and will turn judgmental by overanalyzing things.

Your Vishuddha Chakra is very active;

  • Voice will be loud with dominancy.
  • Interrupt behavior with ongoing conversations.
  • Over-opinionated and critical of others.
  • Bad listeners and intellectualize things to avoid the vulnerability of feelings.
  • Mostly a compulsive liar prone to gossiping.
  • Dishonors his own words with an inability to fulfill commitments and promises.

Underactive Vishuddha Chakra

An underactive chakra causes one to talk in a trembling voice and whisper. These individuals have trouble starting conversations or finding the correct phrases to use when speaking.

Vishuddha Chakra Underactivity causes:

  • Difficulty in expressing feelings and emotion
  • Feel shy and timid.
  • Unable to initiate a conversation and think that you do not have the right to ask a question.
  • Feel under-rated with your own feelings and have difficulty in telling the truth and being honest with yourself.

Balancing Throat Chakra Energy

Follow these activities in your life to encourage energy flow via the throat chakra if you experience any physical or psychological signs of your throat’s energy being blocked.

1) Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

There is always going to be someone better or worse than you since nobody in this world is flawless. Everybody has a certain combination of skills that help them succeed.

2) Express Yourself

Worrying about sharing one’s opinions with others and showcasing one’s talents is a result of the fear of others rejecting one’s ideas and views. Everyone has a distinct soul and a distinct life purpose, and for this reason, distinct abilities must be utilized in society.

3) Remove the Fear of Being Misunderstood

Doubt and fear of being misunderstood cause communication issues. Therefore, it’s crucial to communicate clearly and to have faith in the other person.

4) Releasing Dependency

Communication only takes place between equals because when one person feels superior or inferior to the other due to reliance, communication ceases.

5) Release Guilt

The catchphrase for guilt is “I am wrong and must be punished.” To handle your guilt, amplify it, confront it, release it, and then realize that you were thinking the right thing at the time.

In addition to their daily activities, one might use the following routines to balance the energy of their throat chakra.

Crystal Energy and Sound Therapy

  • As the darker colors of blue have the power of truth and the lighter shades have the power of flexibility, relaxation, and balance, blue crystal energy opens and balances the throat chakra.
  • The blue crystal, which brings the power of communication and free expression and draws energy from the solar plexus, is supplemented with yellow crystals.

Sound Therapy

For the greatest efficiency, crystal healing for the throat can be performed while listening to calming music.

Yoga & Meditation

The Throat Chakra shows us the value of our individuality.

[alert-success] You are meant to share yourself just as you are – your strengths and your beauty along with your vulnerabilities and your blemishes are your uniqueness. [/alert-success]

The ancient science of yoga and meditation is the easiest key to opening the door of chakra energy. Practice these yoga asanas and meditation for the throat chakra.

  • HAM (Vishuddha seed Mantra): Cross your fingers on the inside of your hands, without the thumbs. Let the thumbs touch at the tops, and pull them slightly up. Concentrate on the Throat Chakra at the base of the throat. Chant the mantra HAM. Do it for 10 minutes and feel the sensation of the awakening of the Vishuddha Chakra.
  • Head Rolls and Neck Stretches
  • Lion’s Breath (Simhasana Pranayama)
  • Supported Shoulderstand (Salamba Sarvangasana)
  • Supported Fish Pose (Salamba Matsyasana)

Throat Chakra Stones

The throat chakra, which controls creativity and the capacity for effective and clear communication, is the primary center of emotion and expression.

Using crystals is one of the best ways to regulate an overactive or underactive chakra. The crystals listed below all have a resonance with the throat chakra.

  • Amazonite: Dispels and guards against negativity while restoring emotional balance.
  • Lapis lazuli: Used to open, stimulate, and balance. This “stone of truth” restores your ability to communicate effectively.
  • Turquoise: Used to stimulate and balance. Dispels negativity and restores confidence to speak and express one’s thoughts effectively.
  • Aquamarine: Used to cleanse and stimulate. It offers courage and promotes tolerance and compassion while dispelling fear.



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