The best dancer poses yoga sequence is a difficult pose to master. In addition to performing a deflection, in this position, it is necessary to maintain balance on one leg and keep several parts of the body in focus at once. For example, the thigh of the raised leg, which tries to turn to the side, and the chest, which tries to fall down.
The Dancer’s pose is one of the most beautiful and useful asanas. It develops a sense of balance, flexibility, and strength, opens the chest area, and calms the mind. But since it is quite complicated, beginners should remember the main rules when doing it.
The evacuation of the hip of the raised leg aside and the “opening” of the pelvis in this position incites an uneven burden at the foundation of the spine and squares development in the Sacro-lumbar joint.
The honesty of the whole diversion is disregarded, and alongside the experts, its practical advancement is disintegrating. Accordingly, ensure that the hip remaining parts correspond to the floor, and the knee of the raised leg looks rigorously back and down, and not aside. In profound diversions, it is vital to work in the sagittal plane.

In addition to other things, in this asana, it is important to oppose the inclination to go into a forward slant. Assuming there is flexion in the hip joint of the supporting leg and the body inclines forward, there is an inclination that the back leg rises higher and it appears to be that the execution of the posture becomes further.
Indeed, the blockage of the body forward refutes practically everything in this asana. Attempt to perform Nataraj asana with a forward slant and with an end goal to lift the body up. In the principal case, the entire assignment will be decreased to keeping up with a balance on one leg.
In the subsequent case, you will feel how the rectus Abdominis muscle extends, the quadriceps femoral muscle of the raised leg, the brush muscle, the back muscle gathering of the supporting leg, and so forth In a word, the higher you endeavor, the more powerful the asana will be.
For amateurs, we suggest dominating the asana with the help of a divider or on a seat. The handhold on the shin can likewise be streamlined and performed without pivoting the shoulder, as displayed in the photograph underneath.
Dancer pose yoga sequence performance technique

- In the standing position, bend your left leg at the knee and grab it with the same hand by the ankle – from inside or outside.
- Push your left hip back and pull it up by activating the hip extensor muscles. To activate them, pull the toe of the foot towards you. In fact, it is difficult to do this, since you are holding the grip, but the force created will spread throughout the chain and you will be able to lift your leg higher.
- The higher you lift your hip, the more profound your redirection. Control the lower back – keep up with the respectability of the whole construction of the spine, keep the cross-over abs looking great, and ensure that the lower ribs don’t project outward.
- Also. Assuming you are doing a ring grasp, get the thumb of the lifted leg with a similar hand, twist somewhat more profoundly, and twist the left shoulder so the elbow gazes upward. Try to fix the back leg at the knee, and simultaneously – twist the arm of a similar name at the elbow. In this way, you will strain the shoulder support and develop avoidance.
- Haul your right arm out before you for balance, or play out a full ring hold with two hands.
- Balance here, attempting to fix the body and close the thigh of the raised leg: the knee of the raised leg gazes directly down, and the iliac edges – forward.
- To escape the asana, twist the supporting leg at the knee, return the shoulder to its unique position, and deliver it into the hold. Play out the asana on the opposite side.
Dancer poses yoga sequence effect
The pose of the king of dancers is known for its strong toning effect on the back and correction of posture. It is useful to practice Natarajasana at any age. The Benefits of Natarajasana:
- it is useful for kidney diseases;
- aligns the back, improves posture;
- increases the flexibility of the spine;
- expands the chest;
- strengthens the ankles;
- trains stretching of arms and legs;
- trains balance;
- it has a calming effect on the nervous system;
- improves the functioning of the hormonal system;
- increases the sense of self-confidence.
What level of yoga is the Dancer Pose?
Dancer Pose (Natarajasana) is an intermediate-level yoga pose that encourages balance along with awareness.
What is the sequence of yoga poses?
A sequence of yoga poses is also known as a vinyasa. This sequence is a flow of singular poses—or asanas—that flow from one to the next
What are the contraindications for dancer pose?
People with lower back pain or neck injuries should avoid this pose, or practice it with extra caution. People with high blood pressure or heart problems should also avoid this pose.
What is the meaning of dancers’ pose in yoga?
Natarajasana is the Sanskrit term for ‘Dancer’s Pose’ (from Nata: dancer, Raja: King, and asana: posture). This term, the ‘Lord of Dance’, refers to Lord Shiva in his cosmic form as the destroyer, who paves the path to rebirth and regeneration by removing what has become old and stale.
As with all asanas, the Dancer poses yoga sequence has its contraindications. Natarajasana is contraindicated for low blood pressure and acute kidney and lung diseases.