In yoga when we talk about Kundalini, attention automatically goes to the pelvic floor. The perineum is the exact place of the pelvis where this energy lies inactively. Ashwini mudra is an easy practice that works on stimulating this inactive energy.
In tantric practice, the Sushumna Nadi, the major energy channel of the subtle body, is used to create and transfer prana (life force energy) upward down the spine. The technique entails rhythmically constricting the anal sphincter to produce and contain powerful energy in the lower body before pushing it upward.
How Does It Work?
The Sanskrit name for a horse is Ashwini, which derives from the word “Ashwa” in its root. A horse is a strong animal, so why not say that? After removing the stool, as well as numerous other times throughout the day, the horse often contracts its anal muscles. As a result, energy holds and rises up the horse’s body rather than going down. Ashwini mudra operates by applying this similar analogy.
Ashwini mudra is a type of Mana Mudra where we contract the anal sphincter muscle rhythmically to strengthen the pelvic organs (bladder, uterus, cervix, vagina, and rectum). Unlike most of the hasta mudras, in this mudra, there is no active involvement of hands or fingers occurs.
In the Ashwini mudra, the anal sphincter muscle contraction shifts the direction of energy flow. It works the same way as pulling water upward by applying pressure to a pipe’s lower end. As a result, the energy (Apana Vayu) that usually travels through the body and out the back begins to travel upward and into the internal organs. When the lower organs of Apana Vayu had reached their maximum capacity, pressure built up at the base of the Sushmana Nadi, causing Prana to begin flowing through it. Enlightenment is brought on by the uninterrupted passage of Prana through Sushmana Nadi, which is an indication of awakened Kundalini.
Ashwini Mudra Steps
- Take a few deep breaths to fill the stomach with air while in a seated meditative pose like the Thunderbolt, Lotus, or Easy pose. Other stances, such as the upward-facing dog, can be used for Ashwini mudras that pull the hips together.
- To begin, inhale fully and hold your breath in, then contract your anal sphincter muscles.

The sensation of your anal sphincter contracting will be similar to that of holding in excrement (but not actually holding here).
- Apply a bit of additional pressure from inside the anus to lift this system of muscles up while you continue to tense the anal sphincter muscles.
You ought should be able to feel the muscles being drawn away from the floor at this point. In most cases, lifting and contracting happen simultaneously. - This muscle contraction and pulling-up motion should be continued for 5 seconds before letting go.
- Once more, inhale, pull up, and exhale gently. Start by performing 10 to 15 rounds of it.
- When finished, release the seated position first, and then slowly emerge out of the pose.
Ashwini Mudra with Pranayama & Bandha
Advanced practitioners can also incorporate Pranayama, bandhas, and other mudras with this mudra.
- Bring your chin to your chest, inhale, hold your breath, and then execute a throat lock.
- Touch the palate with the tip of your tongue within your mouth. Additionally known as Kechari mudra.
- Then, contract the muscle in the anal sphincter and draw it up while doing the Ashwini mudra. Release it after five seconds of holding it.
- To come out of the pose, first release the chin lock, then flatten your tongue and slowly relax the anal sphincter muscle.
The mudra is excellent when you experience a surge of shivering energy rising from the bottom to the top. This demonstrates that your practice of stimulating the Prana was successful.
You can also perform Ashwini mudra in an inverted yoga position like Salamba Sarvangasana (supported shoulder stand). Bend your knees and drop them forward while in a supported shoulder stand, then make the Ashwini mudra as previously taught.
Ashwini Mudra Benefits
- Ashwini mudra practice enables you to actively manage your subconscious bodily functions, improving your autonomic nervous system control.
- By performing the Ashwini mudra every day, you can stop the prevalent female issue of urinary incontinence as well as children’s bedwetting and nighttime accidents. It makes the weak pelvic floor muscles stronger.
- Effective physical activity for piles (hemorrhoids). It relieves any enlarged veins in the lowest region of your rectum and improves blood flow to the anus. Ashwini mudra should be performed in an inverted position for piles patients to relieve irritation.
- It helps in the regulation of the Prostate gland and avoids any symptoms of Prostate Problems. The prostate is a small gland in men that helps make semen [efn_note] Prostate problems [/efn_note].
- Ashwini mudra is highly beneficial for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), especially when performed in Vajrasana. It cures widespread issues such as stomach aches, wind, diarrhea, and constipation.
- As Ashwini mudra virtually always resolves stomach-related issues, and a healthy belly is thought to be the key to bright skin. As a result, Ashwini mudra makes your skin sparkle.
- To diminish sexual desire this mudra should be practiced regularly. Also, in males having sexual dysfunctions, Ashwini mudra proved a helpful remedy [efn_note] A Comparative Clinical Study on Efficacy of Amalaka Yoga and Ashwini Mudra in Klaibya [/efn_note].
- In spiritual benefits, Ashwini mudra purifies the Nadis (energy channels) that help in the awakening of kundalini energy.
- Ashwini mudra can be used both during and after pregnancy to strengthen the pelvic floor muscle that supports the fetus’s expanding weight.
- In the Ashwini mudra, stagnant blood is drawn from the legs, thighs, or abdomen up to the heart, where it is purified before the heart pumps fresh blood to the affected areas of the body.
Precautions & Contraindications
- Women who are expecting should avoid holding their breath throughout this exercise, or it’s best to perform it with the expert’s direct supervision.
- This mudra should not be used if you recently had abdominal surgery.
- When you feel like your bowels are full of gas or feces, avoid holding or contracting anus muscles.
- Walking is not a good time to perform the Ashwini mudra. Other than this, it can be performed in any standing or seated position.
Ashwini-mudra from the point of view of anatomy
The structures that make up the “horse gesture” movement are a part of the pelvic diaphragm, which has four layers (counting from the inside out):
- ligaments and fascia (connective tissue and contractile smooth muscle fibers);
- pelvic floor muscles that can be managed deliberately;
- sphincters.
The third layer of the pelvic diaphragm’s muscle that lifts the anus is the one that interests us. There are three parts to it:
- lonno-rectal (photo 1);
- lonno-coccygeal (photo 2);
- iliococcygeal (photo 3).
The external sphincter of the anus (external anal sphincter), which is located in the fourth layer of the pelvic diaphragm, collaborates with the muscle that lifts the anus to conduct the “horse gesture” (photo 4).
Difference Between Moola Bandha and Ashwini Mudra
Things to Remember While Ashwini Mudra has many advantages, there is one thing you should remember before completing the Ashwini Mudra steps. These are some examples:
- Do Ashwini Mudra in moderation since extended mudra might cause health problems.
- Do not walk when doing Ashwini Mudra.
- Aside from that, you may perform it while sitting, laying, or standing in any position.
- Ashwini Mudra asana should not be performed by anybody who has an enlarged thyroid, slipped disc, enlarged liver, or spleen.
- The Ashwini mudra and the moola bandha (root lock) technique and muscle involvement are quite similar, but the Ashwini mudra is actually only practiced for moola bandha. You can think of it like this:
- When performing the Ashwini mudra, a bigger portion of the pelvic muscles is engaged. When performing the moola bandha, however, only a tiny portion of the pelvic muscles are the focus. Prior to performing moola bandha, we must first master Ashwini mudra since concentrating on a small area of muscles requires great awareness of the pelvic region.
- The objective of a bandha (lock) exercise is to lock energy at a certain location on the body (in this case, the root chakra), whereas a mudra creates a circuit that flows the energy to do the cleansing.
- Moola bandha places greater attention on contraction to hold the muscles than Ashwini mudra, which is a dynamic process of contraction and release back to back.
- In addition to this, the Vajroli mudra substitutes vaginal contraction for the anus sphincter.
- Don’t only depend on Ashwini Mudra photos to get it correctly. Seek the advice of a yoga specialist.
Frequently Asked Question
When to do Ashwini Mudra and how long?
Ashwini Mudra can be performed whenever, anywhere, and whether seated or lying down. As long as you can repeat the contraction, you should do these.
How does Ashwini Mudra help in sexual health?
With repeated contractions and relaxations, the Ashwini Mudra position targets the pelvic muscles, perineum, sphincter, and entire pelvic area. These aid in building the sex muscles’ strength and endurance. Additionally improving blood flow to the pelvic region, the posture makes sex more pleasurable.
Is Ashwini Mudra helpful for nightfall?
Numerous studies have shown that Ashwini Mudra is beneficial in the evening. Do not forget to sit up straight, let your body relax, and breathe normally. After a few minutes in the place, tense the muscles in the rectum, anus, or anal sphincter.
After holding your breath for 10 to 15 counts, softly let it out. Feel free to do this twice or three times daily to strengthen your pelvic muscle control and avoid falling asleep.
What Mudra?
An extremely safe and beneficial sex power mudra is called the Ashwini Mudra. Less than 1% of people who use this sex mudra commonly have side effects such as increased body heat, thirst, stomach ache, and vomiting because of prolonged yoga poses or Mudra.
Does this mudra cure pile?
As I said this mudra will cure the lumps which are with anal which are also symptoms of piles. And at the same time, it will also reduce the occurrence of piles.
Is this mudra useful for women?
For women, this mudra is as useful as water for fish. When a woman gives birth to a child, she often has the problem of uterus prolapse. Ashwini Mudra is extremely beneficial to cure this.
In which posture does this posture become natural?
If you do Setubandhasana, then this posture is practiced in that posture. In Setubandhasana, the anus closes while rising and the anus opens while coming down.
Final Words
Ashwini mudra – the horse gesture is a powerful exercise for many ailments related to the lower abdomen. It’s very simple to perform and any person of any age group can do this mudra.