Properly designed yoga complexes, along with an understanding of the principles of the correct implementation of Asan, is a prerequisite for harmonious, healthy, spirit-friendly, and safe yoga classes. In the development of yoga complexes, it is necessary to take into account several different aspects, or principles.
Whenbuildingyoga complexes, you should ideally clearly understand the goals of your yoga practice:
- On the off chance that you are locked in for well-being, to keep up yourself fit as a fiddle complex chosen by physiological boundaries is appropriate: the exacting standards here will be a warm-up before the principle intricate and a “hitch” (extending) toward the end, just as observing the cadence of the heartbeat, savoring water the correct parts, rotating various burdens on the muscles (for instance, twists with twists), utilizing counter-asanas, and security strategies taken from wellness and expressive dance (“pull the knees, etc). Rehearsing in fact, can give the body a huge burden — if everything is done accurately, there will be no issues. The instructor of such yoga ought to be a wellness mentor (have an endorsement of a fitness coach) or be prepared in the field of actual yoga.
- If you arrange yoga complexes as energy or spiritual practice, all this does not apply to you. Since after the initial stage of cleansing the body, there comes a subtle feeling of the whole body, including its internal structures (organs, glands, muscles, and ligaments), and subtle structures (chakras and channels). Practice in this way is no longer built according to physical culture rules, but according to the logic described in some yogic treatises. Exercises are arranged according to the principle of a sequential awakening of energy, up the chakras, or something else-it depends on the goals of a particular practice. In this case, the complex necessarily includes pranayamas, mantras, and meditation. The teacher of such yoga should have a lot of experience in practice, and feel the subtle energy structures, have an idea of the technologies of working with them.

- If your yoga has both goals, it will be more difficult for you. It will sometimes be unclear whether it is now necessary to make three approaches of Bakasana for the press or to read the Harekrishna mantra for Anahata. It will have to study both directions further. try to “take the best of both worlds”! That is, you will need to know and apply the rules of injury safety, but at the same time and the subtle points, and in practice to expand your physical boundaries, but at the same time to observe yourself, to feel all the structures of the body. With the increase in the load (a complication of asanas) and the complication of the energy structure of the practice, as well as when composing your own set of yoga complexes, the requirements for the development of both skills will increase.
Complex “physiological” (in the style of “yoga for health”, fitness yoga group):
- Warm-up (you can do it in any format. Including swimming, and running).
- Warm-up sessions: Surya-namaskar fast, Sthula-Vyayama, yoga warm-ups (Shakti-bandh asana, different dynamics: Vyagrasana, Tiriyaka Bhujangasana, Druta Halasana, etc.). Then a short rest or counter-asanas.
- Complexes of yoga asanas that involve all muscle groups. After each asana, counter-asanas are used, and if necessary, relaxation (short rest in Shavasana, Advasana, or Balasana, etc.)
- At the end of the yoga complexes, Pratkik poses are used for extreme holding (“until I fall…”): Usually this is the “Dolphin” exercise and inverted stands (on the hands, on the head, Scorpio) or power balances: plank (staff), Bakasa, Mayurasana, etc.
- Final Shavasana.
- It should not be forgotten that after a period of muscle load, a well-defined recovery time period (often 48 hours) should follow.
- To speed up the process, you need to drink fresh juices, wiregrass, and coconut water, and eat right (with a predominance of vitamin-rich, nutrient-rich food, preferably fresh).
Yoga complexes (in the course of Ashtanga-raja yoga):
Surya-namaskar: slow (warming up), fast (gaining energy), slow with closed eyes (deepening concentration).
Shavasana 5 minutes.
Complexes of yoga asanas ascending the chakras:
- Muladhara: poses for opening the pelvis, splits (Bhunamanasana, Hanumanasana, etc.)
- Swadhisthana: inclines (Paschimottanasana, Janusirshasana, Uttan Padasana, Parivritta Janusirshanasa, etc.) and bends “from the pubis” – with the hips on the floor: Bhujangasana, Rajakapotasana,
- Manipura: power (Bakasana, Kukkutasana, Yoga Dandasana, Dhanurasana, Brahmachariasana, …) and twists: Ardhamatsiendrasana, Meruvakrasana, etc.
- Anahata: deflections (Chakrasana, Setu Bandhasana, Ustrasana…) and pressure on the chest: Tadasana with Namaste,
- Ajna: Balance asanas: Garudasana, Meru asana, Natarajasana with closed eyes, Eka Padasana, Surya Namaskar with closed eyes.
- Sahasrara: Headstand, handstand, Naman Pranamasana (Praying Pose), and Scorpion. And also includes Sahasrara placing the head on top of the head in other asanas.
After completing the work with the asanas, you should rest for 10-15 minutes in Shavasana, and then go to the practice of Pranayama.
Аnd then Meditation or mantra yoga (this is also meditation).
The complex of such yoga usually ends with the practice of Palming (sealing energy in the body), which originates in a rather complex technique of “Nyasa”*, or, at worst, just Shavasana — this particular pose has the property of” leveling the energies”, even without our active participation.
After a yoga class, it is recommended that you do not drink water for 30 minutes, do not talk, do not upload information (do not read magazines, do not look at the phone, etc.). This is the time of “integration” of all the residual things that did not” settle down ” during Shavasana.

Yoga classes stretch the lumbosacral spine and affect the hip joints. Here, the nerve endings, on which the male strength depends, are often clamped. Performing asanas removes these blockages, improving your sex life.
Transitions between the asanas of the yoga complexes
The passages between the axons in the yoga class must be natural and comfortable so that they do not have to move too often from the standing position to the lying position or constantly turn from the abdomen to the back. You can divide the class into a few blocks, the reasons of which will be fulfilled from one position. For example, standing, then kneeling on your arms and knees, then lying on your stomach, then on your back, then back on your back, then on your back. Check on the convenience of the passages between the amusements of the complex.
Sequence and combination of yoga complexes
There are several rules that you need to follow when composing a yoga complex. In most cases, they are recommendations, and deviations are possible.

1. From external to internal
Techniques that require deeper concentration are performed near the end of the complexes. Usually, the sequence is as follows: dynamic warm-up-asanas-pranayama, mudras and bandhas-relaxation, and meditation.
2. Division by block
There are several types of yoga poses:
standing (standing poses),
sitting (meditative postures),
bends (postures for bending the body forward),
deflections (postures for extending the body back),
twisting (postures for turning the spine around the axis)
inverted (upside-down poses), etc.
One type of pose is usually performed in a block, one after the other: several standing poses, then several bends, etc.
3. Bottom-up
The man-creature walked upright, and the problems in the underlying structures provoke the disruption of the overlying: the curvature of the spine in the lower back causes strain muscles of the cervical-thoracic, knee injury – back pain, and flat feet – overload of the locomotor apparatus, etc. It makes sense to correct violations in the same order. Therefore, the complex is built so that the body is worked from the lower parts to the upper.
standing (legs and pelvis);
4. From simple to complex
Within the block, asanas are grouped from simple to complex. The complex as a whole is built on the same principle. Thus, a less deep deflection is followed by a more intense one, a simple standing position is followed by a more complex one, and so on. Start the session with warm-UPS and/or the simplest asanas, gradually complicating them.
5. From tension to relaxation
One of the most important goals of yoga is to reduce tension, relax the body and calm the mind. As a rule, relaxation is easier to achieve after effort. The complex is built so that after power poses followed by meditative and relaxation. This principle also applies to individual asanas: a dose that causes muscle tension is followed by another that relaxes and stretches the muscle.
6. Principle of Compensation
After performing complex poses, a compensatory asana is performed, which removes possible overload. As a rule, this is a pose that is opposite in action and shallow in amplitude. So, for deep bends, the compensation will be a simple tilt, for standing positions – a simple inverted, for deep bends-a small deflection. The same principle applies when performing asymmetric poses: if you perform it in one direction, you must also perform it in the other. Universal compensatory pose-Shavasana.
7. Relaxation at the beginning and end of the complexes
This can be Shavasana, Yoga Nidra, or other deep relaxation techniques. In the beginning, this technique may be short-lived and serves to calm the mind and set it up for practice. In the end, the relaxation should be longer. Its goal is a deep recovery of the body and mind, reducing stress levels and calming the mind.
The final relaxation is the quintessence of all practice. All the previous techniques serve to ensure that it turns out to be deep and high-quality. They should not be neglected in any case, otherwise, the practice can lead to increased excitement and exhaustion, and not to the recovery of the body.
Accounting for goals and objectives yoga complexes
Dynamic and powerful yoga classes combined with breathing techniques improve the metabolism and accelerate the process of weight loss, helping to consolidate the effect for a long time.

As a rule, a person comes to yoga to solve specific problems “yoga complexes.”. There are extremely many variants of these problems and their combinations, and it is impossible to describe the entire algorithm in one article. However, there are a few frequent requests and sample sets of exercises, which I will give below.
Stress relief and relaxation
A person who is in a state of chronic stress, as a rule, notes a high level of muscle and emotional tension. He wants to relax, but he can’t. In this case, the yoga complexes can help him optimally perform power yoga poses, especially standing. The pose should not be difficult for the practitioner. Simplify the power asanas, but correct them for a long time.
After a block of power poses, you can perform several poses lying down or inverted, they promote relaxation. And at the end – a deep and lasting relaxation. An approximate complex designed for 50-60 minutes:
1. Shavasana (3 min.)
2.Utkatasana (30-60 sec.)
3. Utthita trikonasana (1-2 min. in each direction).
4. Utthita Parshvakonasana (1-2 min. in each direction).
5. Virabhadrasana 1 (for 30-60 sec. in each direction)
6. Virabhadrasana 2 (30-60 sec. in each direction)
7.Viparita Karani (5 min.)
8.Jathara parivartanasana (3 min each in each direction)
9.Yoga Nidra (25 min)
Everyone who has decided to practice should take into account their age, health status, and body structure. There may be limitations or contraindications to performing certain asanas.
Relieving lower back pain
In the case of spinal pain, most of the exercises should be performed in a horizontal plane (lying on your back, or stomach, and standing on all fours). In this position, the spine is unloaded. Standing and sitting positions are more likely to cause increased pain. In addition, deep slopes bend, and twists are excluded. All exercises should be soft, with an emphasis on stretching the spine. A good effect is given by low-intensity power poses with subsequent relaxation and stretching. Approximate complex for 35-45 minutes
1. Shawasana with a roller under the knees (5 min.)
2. Warm up for the pelvic-lumbar zone (5-7 min.)
3.Setubandhasana (1-2 min.)
4.Ananda balasana (1-2 min)
5. Escapade Pavanmuktasana (for 1-2 min. in each direction)
6.Ardha shalabhasana (1 min.)
7.Eka pada shalabhasana (1 min each in each direction)
8.Balasana (1-2 min.)
9. Shavasana with a roller under the knees (15-20 min.
Improve digestion and eliminate abdominal pain
There are many exercises in yoga that affect digestion. First of all, these are twists and inverted poses, but also bends, deflections, and standing. Abdominal manipulations (Uddiyana, Agni Sara, Nauli) stimulate digestion extremely intensively, but you need to be careful with them. An important role is played by removing the clamps from the abdominal area, the diaphragm, and the formation of normal abdominal breathing, both in asanas and in ordinary life. It is also necessary to pay attention to relaxation since the state of the psyche and the vegetative system directly affects digestion. Approximate complex for 45-50 minutes:
1. Shavasana (5 min.)
2.Uttanasana (1-2 min.)
3.Pashimottanasana (3 min.)
4.Setubandhasana (1 min.)
5. Ardha Matsiendrasana (1 min each in each direction)
6.Jathara parivartanasana (3 min each in each direction)
7.Viparita Karani (5 min.)
8. Abdominal breathing (5 min.)
9. Uddiyana Bandha (3-5 sets of 10 sec.)
10.Shavasana (15-20 min.)
Stimulation of the reproductive system
Yoga has a large Arsenal of postures that stimulate the activity of the sexual system. First of all, these are standing and sitting poses, inverted poses, and twisting, especially in the version with the hip pressed to the stomach. Uddiyana and Mula-Bandha have a strong stimulating effect. However, they require caution. It is also important to remove the clamps from the pelvic area and diaphragm and train abdominal breathing, this improves venous and lymphatic outflow from the pelvic area. Below is a complex suitable for all cases, except for cysts, growing or bleeding fibroids, and other pelvic tumors, as well as pregnancy. The complex is designed for 45-55 minutes.
One of the essential components of success in yoga classes is the satisfaction of performing asanas, a sense of muscular joy. Without this, the result will be incomplete.
1. Shavasana (5 min.)
2. Pelvic area warm-up (5 min.)
3.Utthita trikonasana (1 min each each way)
4. Uththita Parshvakonasana (1 min each in each direction)
5. Parivritta Parshvakonasana (1 min each in each direction)
6.Baddha konasana (3-5 min.)
7. Ardha Matsiendrasana (1 min each in each direction)
8.Viparita Karani (5 min.)
9. Uddiyana Bandha (3-5 sets of 10 sec. )
10. Mula Bandha (10-15 times)
11.Shavasana (15-20 min.)
Experienced yoga masters practice in the morning 2 hours before sunrise. This time is called Brahma Muhurta. But the daily or evening practice will bring the body no less benefit. The regularity of classes is much more important than the time of their conduct.
From all that the ancient Indian system offers, you need to choose what you can do and most like. You should not strive to achieve unthinkable results. The practice of yoga involves the absorption of the process of performing exercises, dissolving in them
What can replace yoga?
Yoga is a unique wellness system. No type of fitness will have a similar effect on the body. But, if for some reason it is not possible to engage in ancient Indian practice, you can pay attention to Pilates or Callanetics. These areas of fitness have some similarities with yoga, so they can be an adequate replacement.
The benefits of yoga for men and women can be huge, provided that this tool is used correctly. If this health system is not a panacea, then it can change a lot of things in a person’s life for the better.