Third Eye Chakra there is a well-known Sanskrit saying that liberation can be obtained by dying in Varanasi.
India’s Varanasi is an intense spiritual center. “Eyebrows” is what Varana and “nose” mean in Sanskrit. As a result, “Varanasi” also means “Third Eye,” the area between the eyebrows and the bridge of the nose.
When you leave your awareness at the Third Eye, you will achieve enlightenment if your identity dies in Varanasi.
History of yoga, the Rishis & Yogis viz the Enlightened Ones lived with extraordinary powers tuned to their normal everyday living. As the Seers, their Divine Eyes glazed beyond the plurality of the ‘seer’, ‘the act of seeing and ‘seen’; far from the confines of past or future!
To put it another way, early yogis were able to see past the finite perceptions of the mind, senses, and emotions. The third eye gives you the ability to see beyond the scope of your senses and thoughts.
Certain History Instances of Using Third Eye
- Maharishi Valmiki wrote the whole scripture Ramayana by analyzing the cosmic records of every minute happening and experience through his third eye vision.
- In Mahabharat, Veda Vyasa awakens the third eye of Sanjaya, the king’s charioteer, to visibly narrate to him the happenings and even the mindset of Kurukshetra warriors.
- Sri Krishna gifts the third eye vision to his dear devotee, Arjuna, amidst the waging war field of Kurukshetra during the Bhagavad Gita.
The awakening of the third eye, or Ajna chakra, sometimes referred to as the trinitrate with limitless power, Kundalini Shakti, is the most essential and distinctive mystic force given to the universe by Lord Shiva.
Third Eye Chakra or Ajna: The Command Centre
Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
The third eye Chakra, the 6th of 7 major chakras, is the gate that opens up to the space of higher consciousness and is also the main organ through which the spiritual energy can be awakened and regulated. It provides perception beyond ordinary sight.
The “Command” or “Perceiving” Center, where we transcend duality—the duality of a personal “I” separate from the rest of the world, of a personality that exists separately from everything else—is actually what the Ajna Chakra symbolizes.
The third eye chakra is situated between the eyebrows on the forehead. It serves as the hub of insight and foresight.

Characteristic of Third Eye Chakra
1. Foundation of Wisdom
The third eye chakra will help you develop your inner wisdom, creativity, and understanding of your ultimate mission in life.
2. The Third Eye Chakra is Intuitive
This chakra focuses on developing your intuition, and on strengthening your psychic knowledge. Moreover, He interacts with the rational mind to deepen intuitive insight and look beyond the veil of illusion.
3. Ajna chakra Means to Open Up
The chakra of the third eye is related to vision and intuition. A clearer sense of subtle energy movements results from vision and intuition opening up.
4. Trust Your Own Instinct
This chakra is closely related to your discernment and knowledge. Your inspiration and creativity are inspired by it.
5. Focuses on The Fact, Death is Nothing To Fear
Focus and the capacity to unwind into a new mode of seeing are necessary for maintaining third-eye chakra awareness.
You can see past the delusions and distractions in front of you when your mind and consciousness are focused.
Third Eye Chakra in Detail
To know your third chakra in detail, you must be aware of the following points.
1. Location of Third Eye Chakra
The Ajna chakra is situated between your brows, just above the bridge of your nose. We can guess that this is where our inner eyebrows would meet if they were stretched.
It can also be said to be in the center of the head, behind the eyes. The third eye chakra is often lower than the secondary chakras, which run along the middle of the forehead.
The Ajna chakra is located in the pituitary gland, which is anatomically situated just behind the center of the forehead.
The pineal gland, which controls biorhythms such as sleep and wakefulness, is linked to the third eye chakra.
Because of its connection to the perception and effects of light and mystical states of consciousness, the pineal gland, which is a part of the brain, is the focus of attention. It is sensitive to visual stimuli and changes in lighting because it is situated close to the optical nerves.
2. Color Significance of Third Eye Chakra
The color indigo is used to signify the third eye chakra. However, this chakra’s aura energy can also be viewed as transparent purple or bluish-white. When looking at this hue,
- Your seeing, hearing, and feeling become more clear as a result.
- The color indigo is also related to your sixth sense, which is located in the same area as your third eye.
- Acts as a link between heaven and earth and facilitates the change from life to death.
- The energy of symbolic thinking is indigo.
- It enables the transformation of lower chakra energy into higher spiritual vibrations.
3. What Third Eye Chakra Symbol Signifies

The Third Eye Chakra Symbol is a purple lotus with two petals and a triangle that points downward in the center. The OM symbol is located inside the triangle.
- The two-petalled lotus: The Self and Go are the final remaining duality, represented by the two petals.
- Round circle: It represents the space between the petals of a lotus.
- An inverted triangle inside the circle, signifying Shakti, and a Shivalingam above it.
- The OM symbol stands for the soul, consciousness, and ultimate truth (Atman).
4. Third Eye Chakra Energy Frequency and Seed Mantra
The frequency of the Ajna chakra aids in the treatment of headaches and migraines by fostering intuition and a return to the spiritual order.
Because it is energetically connected to the pineal gland and directly linked to the pituitary gland, this chakra’s energy also deals with disorders relating to the eyes, nose, and throat (ENT).
Seed mantra: OM
Sound: A Note/Aum (Om)
Frequency of 426.7Hz
5. Associated Element of Third Eye Chakra

Associated element: Light
The sixth chakra has a transcendent vision that is based on pure seeing or witnessing. It is also the location of conscience, which not only sees but also understands the significance of what is seen in the context of the soul’s light.
Anatomically, this chakra is connected to the carotid nerve plexus, pituitary gland, pineal gland, forehead, brow, and eyes.
The third eye chakra is the center of confluence where the three nadis – Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna – merge into one stream of consciousness and flow up to the crown Chakra. The transformation of individual consciousness is brought about by the merging of the three great nadis (energy channels)
The location of the “inner Guru (teacher),” which is the source of inner direction, as well as the “eye of intuition,” which allows access to the astral and psychic dimensions of awareness and facilitates the receipt of revelation and insight.
Behavioral and psychological traits associated with this chakra include;
- Vision
- Intuition
- Perception of subtle dimensions and movements of energy
- Psychic abilities
- Access to mystical states as in hallucinations
- Connection to wisdom
- Motivates inspiration and creativity
Balanced Third Eye Chakra
A third eye chakra in balance is linked to a different way of seeing and perceiving things and has a strong feeling of intuition and perception beyond ordinary sight.
Ajna chakra balance enables you to see into deeper realms like intuition, clairvoyance, imagination, creativity, and visualization as your eyes perceive the physical world. Strong Ajna Chakras are associated with enhanced intuition, a solid sense of self, and the capacity for self-reflection.
Balanced Ajna chakra has the following characteristics with an affirmation, “I align my consciousness with the source of all life”;
- Helps with prophetic and clairvoyant dreams to have visions of things
- One develops sensitivity to the subtle energies and vibrations of objects and people.
- Knowledge is readily available.
- Helps the conscious level rise beyond emotions and gain a greater knowledge of the purpose of life and its circumstances.
- Makes the soul open to receiving messages from eternity
- One develops inspiration, drive, and creativity
See also:(Anahata)Meaning, location, and symptoms of a balanced and blocked heart chakra
Imbalanced Third Eye Chakra & Its Causes
Either the sixth chakra is too intellectual, analytical, and stiff, or it is too mentally frail and fluid when it is out of balance.
Some of the symptoms are:
- Having fear of believing others
- Confusion
- Negative beliefs
- Irresponsibility
- Headaches & Migraines
- Learning disabilities
- Close-mindedness
- Mental rigidity
- Cut off from emotions
- Eyes, Ears problems
- Nose and sinuses
- Nausea
What Causes Imbalance of Third Eye Chakra?
Either the sixth chakra is too intellectual, analytical, and stiff, or it is too mentally frail and fluid when it is out of balance.
An unbalanced chakra system can be brought on by stress, disease, emotional problems, or conflict all at once. Because the seven chakras are interrelated, any imbalance in one of them will have an impact on the others.
A third eye chakra imbalance can result in either feeling overwhelmed by the unpleasant aspects of reality and being depressed, or feeling disillusioned and lost in fantasies.
The main causes of imbalanced Third eye chakra in a nutshell are:
- Lack of faith in your purpose
- Feeling pointless
- Indecisiveness
- Finding your work or life insignificant
Imbalance in a chakra can be seen in terms of its under-activity or overactivity.
1. Underactive Third Eye Chakra
Under-activity of the third eye chakra is indicated by slower Prana rotation in that chakra. In the event that the third-eye chakra is dormant or closed,
- It makes understanding spiritual connections challenging.
- Makes it challenging to connect and understand how spiritual connections might be made.
- Making a balance between the body and its commands is impossible.
- One is perplexed, alienated, and overly reliant on one’s own convictions, and is not receptive to fresh ideas.
- One feels paralyzed and unable to see past the issues.
- Due to a lack of clarity in vision, it is impossible to clarify circumstances in a deeper way.
2. Overactive Third Eye Chakra
If this chakra experiences higher Prana whirling, it becomes hyperactive. Having an overactive third-eye chakra
- One tends to be over-intellectual in thinking
- Becomes judgmental, over-logical, and unsympathetic
- May create circumstances in mind that aren’t happening
- One misinterprets spiritual information for logic and ‘what makes sense
- May fantasize too much leading to anxiety and stress.
How to Get Your ‘Command Station’ Balanced?
First and foremost, to heal Ajna Chakra one often needs to deal with it indirectly; that is, by taking care of the lower Chakra’s psychological issues. When worries, anxieties, feelings, and emotions in terms of mind fluctuations stop projecting themselves onto the sixth Chakra, one’s mind already becomes much more lucid.
- In the meditation practice, imagine the third-eye chakra sign in the middle of the brow. starting with the most fundamental ones, like concentration methods.
- Realizing that one’s mind can be essentially free from identification with unsettling thoughts and learning to dissociate from thought.
- When practicing meditation or for daily use, wear or carry the third-eye chakra crystal that best suits your needs for balancing.
1. Asanas for balancing third-eye chakra
- Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend: This pose allows the flow of blood towards the third eye chakra location and helps to balance it.
- Janu Sirsasana or Head-to-Knee Pose: This pose makes chakra highly stimulated by the forward bending movement & helps in increasing the flow of the blood to the face, relaxing and activating the third eye.
- Makarasana or Dolphin pose: The dolphin pose creates a sense of balance by increasing circulation to the face and brain.
- Balasana or Child’s pose: in this pose, when we touch the eyebrow center on the floor, it offers to ground all negativity from our soul.
2. Using Stones
Chakra healing is accelerated by using stones that correspond to a specific chakra. You can use the following stones in your practice to open your third eye chakra.
- Amethyst
- Chevron Amethyst
- Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite
- Herkimer Diamond
- Purple Fluorite
- Moonstone
Diet & Lifestyle Tips To Harmonize Ajna Chakra

- Sitting in the sun while detoxifying the body will help to balance the third eye chakra and stimulate the pineal gland.
- Using essential oils associated with the third eye chakra for aromatherapy.
- For third eye chakra purification and balancing, listen to specific sound frequencies.
- Blue-green algae and foods with a purple hue, such as purple kale, purple grapes, purple raisins, and purple plums.
- Consume foods like fish and almonds that are high in omega-3 fatty acids.
- Consume antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables like blueberries.
The Ajna Chakra serves as both the center of thought and the focus of concentration. It gives us the freedom to decide what requires our attention, assisting us in achieving physical wellness.
Understanding your Ajna Chakra can help you better comprehend your physical and mental existence. The Third Eye is the center of intuition and willpower, therefore it heals physical and mental illnesses and restores the body to normal health.