The best Dhauti Kriya the internal organ system in the human body is a tremendously intricate system. However, this system offers a self-cleaning feature.
However, occasionally it doesn’t entirely cleanse on its own or there may be some leftover food articles. Over time, it keeps building up and becomes an impurity. That is how we get sick.
A set of six practices is stated in the Gheranda Samhita and the Hatha Yoga Pradipika as a way to cleanse the body’s interior impurities. These six practices are referred to as “Shatkarma” or “Shatkriya” collectively. These sex techniques are:
- Neti – Nasal cleansing
- Dhauti – cleaning of the digestive tract
- Nauli – Abdominal muscles massage
- Basti – Large intestine cleansing
- Kapalbhati – Skull shinning technique
- Trataka – Eyes strengthening technique
See also: Neti (Nasal Cleaning Technique) and Its 4 Types
What is Dhauti in Yoga?
The name “Dhauti” derives from the root “Dho,” which means “Washing” or “Cleaning.” Internal organs require regular showering in the same way that we do for regular body cleaning and activity.
As yoga has many physical practices, Dhauti is a preparatory action before being involved in any physical practice of yoga. It cleans the complete digestive tract or gastrointestinal tract (GI)[efn_note]Digestive System working [source][/efn_note] to eliminate accumulated bolus (chewed food) [efn_note]Digestive System Process [source][/efn_note] from the top of the alimentary canal to the colon.
Dhauti not only affects the digestive tract but also increases respiratory system & frontal brain efficiency [efn_note]The Frontal Lobe 3D view [source][/efn_note].
Dhauti is occasionally referred to by the names Kunjal or Gajakarni kriya. These are the names of “elephants” in Sanskrit. In fact, nature is where yogis first learned about the Dhauti-kriya technique. Similar to how an elephant may empty undigested stomach contents through its thick trunk.
Types of Dhauti
For various regions of the mouth and GI tract, numerous varieties of Dhauti (internal washing) have been developed. A seeker’s practice level (beginning or advanced) and the requirements in a yogic system will determine the style they choose.
According to how each variety of Dhauti affects different bodily regions, there are primarily 4 varieties.
At the beginner level, a practitioner who does not feel comfortable swallowing a cloth (in Vastra Dhauti) through the mouth might merely wash the GI tract by ingesting lukewarm water.
The Gheranda Samhita is a historic book. The yoga text Gheranda Samhita [source] provides a general classification of Dhauti.
1. Danta Dhauti
Danta Dhauti is the simplest type of Dhauti as it comprises the cleansing of mouth & head parts. It’s of the following 4 types.
(i) Danta Mula Dhauti
Danta means Teeth and ‘Mula’ means Root. This Dhauti kriya consists of cleaning the root of teeth which ensures a long life of teeth.
How To Do: In this Dhauti, the root of the tooth is rubbed using acacia resin or clean earth. It cleanses and removes any impurities (if present in the tooth).
(ii) Jhiva Dhauti
Also called Jhiva Shodhana. Jhiva means tongue. This Dhauti Kriya helps in the elongation of the tongue which is said to destroy old age and any bodily diseases.
How to Perform Jhiva Dhauti: Insert your ring, middle, and index fingers into the neck and rub it continually from top to bottom. Salivary glands are activated by this exercise.
(iii) Karna Dhauti
Karna means ear. Practicing this Dhauti regularly can make you listen to mystical sounds (Nada).
How To Do: To practice it, simply put the ring finger in the ear and rotate it in a circular motion. It cleanses the ear apertures.
(iv) Kapala Randhra Dhauti
Kapla means Skull or Head. This Dhauti kriya consists of massaging the front head with the thumb.
How To Do: To do this kriya, bring your right thumb to the middle of the eyebrows and rub gently your forehead. Perform this kriya after waking up in the morning, in the evening, and after a night meal. It reduces stress, and insomnia, and increases vision.
See also: Another Practice for Frontal Brain Purification
2. Antar Dhauti (Internal Dhauti)
Antar Dhauti is the washing of the lower part of the stomach region or large intestine. It’s of the following 4 types.
(i) Vatsara Dhauti
Vatsara means ‘Drinking of air’. Air is the medium of washing in this kriya.
How To Do: To perform Vatsara Dhauti, the air is swallowed slowly into the stomach through the mouth in Kaki mudra. The upper stomach and the intestine are filled with this air, respectively. After holding it in the intestine for a period, released it out through the anus.
(ii) Varisara Dhauti
It is also called Shankhaprakshalana Dhauti. This practice washed the entire digestive tract from the mouth to the anus. Water is the medium of washing in this kriya.
How To Do: In Varisara Dhauti, lukewarm salty water is drunk in excess & then letting it out through the anus. After drinking a little water in the beginning some asanas are performed for easy flow of water.
(iii) Agnisara Dhauti
Commonly it’s known as Vahinsara Kriya. Vahinsara Dhauti is the practice of stimulating the heat energy of the navel region. This kriya does the washing by means of ‘Fire‘.
How To Do: In Vahinsara Dhauti, abdominal muscles rapidly contract & expand while sitting in Vajrasana. Sometimes this kriya is also performed with rapid breathing along with abdominal movements. These rapid movements produce heat in the stomach (Digestive fire).
(iv) Bahiskrita Dhauti
This kriya does the cleaning of the intestine through held air. Practicing this Dhauti can get a Godlike Body [efn_note] Gheranda Samhita 1.24 [source][/efn_note].
How To Do: In this Dhauti, the Crow seal (Kaki Mudra) is made to suck the air in and held this air in for 90 minutes. After 90 minutes, stand in clean water equal to the navel level and pull the long intestine out. Then washed the intestine carefully with my hands and drew it again in the abdomen.
3. Hrid Dhauti
Hrid means Heart. This Dhauti consists of the techniques to wash organs related to the heart i.e. the upper stomach organs. It’s of the following 3 types.
(i) Danda Dhauti
‘Danda’ means stick. This Dhauti Kriya removes phlegm and bile from deep down the throat (esophagus). It cures all heart-related problems.

How To Do: To perform Danda Dhautii kriya, Insert the core of a banana tree stem or turmeric root into the throat and let it reach below the throat. Now slowly pull it out. It comes out with mucus and phlegm from the esophagus.
(ii) Vastra Dhauti
‘Vastra’ means Cloth. In this Dhauti kriya, a cloth is used to wash the upper stomach region. It removes extra mucus from the food pipe.

Learn more: How To Do Vastra Dhauti
(iii) Vamana Dhauti
‘Vamana’ means vomiting. In this Dhauti, after drinking excessive water throat is induced to vomit out this water. Along with water, undigested food particles and phlegm come out in Vamana Dhauti.

Learn more: How To Do Vamana Dhauti
4. Moola Shodhana Dhauti
The rectum is cleansed with the Moola Shodhana Dhauti kriya and a soft turmeric root. The middle finger of the patient or a turmeric root is inserted into the rectum and rotated both clockwise and counterclockwise by the practitioner. The excess feces are removed from the rectum by it. Use olive oil to lubricate the anus and make it simple to insert the turmeric root. does moola shodhana dhauti while standing in utkatasana.
The best Dhauti Kriya
Dhauti Kriya is washing the complete alimentary canal. Different organs are connected on the way of the alimentary canal. Thus the practice of Dhauti kriya is beneficial in many ways[efn_note]Migraine Attacks Prevention with Vamana Dhauti [source][/efn_note].
- Leprosy, asthma, cough, and other ailments caused by mucus in the human body include the spleen, leprosy, and cough. Dhauti helps the stomach get rid of extra mucus. Therefore, Dhauti kills leprosy, asthma, and coughs.
- Dhauti enhances the effectiveness of the respiratory and digestive systems by flushing out leftover food from the stomach.
- Dhauti balances the bodily energies of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
- By removing various infectious germs from the stomach through the practice of Dhauti karma, constipation and other problems related to poor digestion are reduced.
- Acidity is cured by performing Dhauti karma on a regular basis.
- The functioning of Dhauti also helps in glowing the skin & removing dark circles.
- Danta Dhauti removes the bacteria from the mouth & increases
- The consistent practice of Dhauti karma helps to cure the acidity problem.