Yoga Poses to Avoid during pregnancy. The first trimester. Second trimester. The period of bearing a child is the most beautiful and responsible time for a woman.
For all nine months, the expectant mother should take care not only of her well-being but also of the health of her baby. Although a pregnant woman feels a kind of discomfort, and physical inconvenience, the waiting time for the baby is a bright and happy period of life.
Moreover, by and large, the beginning of pregnancy is joined by disintegration in prosperity (toxicosis): shortcoming, languor, queasiness, and indigestion are shown.
It is positive to take note that young ladies rehearsing yoga and vegetarianism live much better during this period, don’t have insight by any means, or experience an exceptionally gentle rendition of the manifestations of toxicosis.
Yoga poses to avoid The importance of practice cannot be denied during pregnancy, and yoga is one of the most reliable approaches to staying truly and intellectually healthy throughout the term.
Yoga not only helps you prepare your body for the upcoming work and childbirth but also helps to keep cool.
However, during pregnancy, yoga poses are required, which should be avoided and a certain measure of actual restriction; thus, you should not perform all yoga exercises. In this article, we will look at various types of yoga that you should stay away from during pregnancy. In general, we need to understand the reason why it is necessary to stay away from them.
Why should some yoga poses be avoided during pregnancy?

Your body is working hard during pregnancy, and thus, it is not the time to push yourself to an extreme limit.

More data about vegetarianism during pregnancy can be seen here. Notwithstanding, with such a troublesome condition of wellbeing, it is smarter to give inclination to delicate and slow activities, and leave dynamic and dynamic choices for the subsequent trimester, when the body adjusts to evolving conditions.
Pranayamas with a long exhalation help to dispose of sickness, and asanas with sidelong vertical extending of the body (then again extending the arms up in various positions) will assist with disposing of acid reflux.
Yoga Poses to Avoid when Pregnant
Belly-Down Yoga Postures
When will you realize that you are pregnant,
it is better to start doing yoga poses with your stomach down.
Regardless of whether you look pregnant, your body is developing. Accordingly, you should stay away from yoga classes that create unnecessary stress in the lower middle area. These are the Bow Pose and the Locust Pose.
In these poses, you balance all the weight of your body on a low stomach. In addition, this is the place where your uterus begins to develop and grow. Despite the fact that you can’t, as you often see, you can put pressure on your uterus and baby.
At the beginning of the first trimester, you can practice the Sphinx pose and the Cobra pose. However, when you appear, skip them until you have fallen asleep offspring and regained strength.
- What You Can Do
If you are comfortable, you can practice Ascending Dog. It can help you open your chest, strengthen your arms, lengthen your body in a textual style, and stretch your hip flexors. Place the blocks under your arms to accommodate the chest area and give it more space.
In case this pose stretches your stomach excessively or does not give a good feeling of confidence, choose the cow pose. This is unusual for opening the chest and the front of the body. Moreover, in combination with the cat pose, it provides greater flexibility in the pelvic area.
Forward Folds with You Feet Together
Normally, we hold our feet together in seated forward folds and at a hip distance in standing ones. However, during pregnancy, you’ll find that it’ll become impossible to do it without constricting your growing belly.
What You Can Do
To practice Shavasana during pregnancy, prop up the body at an inclined angle with rollers or blankets. You can also lie on your side with the top of your knee on a cushion or with a blanket between your knees.
You can practice the bridge pose and rest for a few breaths before repeating it. However, get out of the pose by rolling onto your side if you feel dizzy at any moment.
Closed Twists
Closed turns, such as a rotating chair, a rotating triangle, a rotating side angle, the lord of the fishes, and similar poses, compress the stomach. You limit the space available in your stomach and can restrict the flow of blood to it. Therefore, you need to avoid these yoga poses during pregnancy.
What can you do
Strive to create space in your stomach. In the second and third trimesters, open twists, such as basic sitting twists, will be useful to you. They can give you a gentle but safe stretch when you need to relieve tension in your back.
Yoga poses to avoid other practices Skip the rotating chair and spread your knees in the normal chair position. Place your hand on the opposite knee and pull the other hand up or behind your back.
Use the side angle instead of the rotated side angle. Place the elbow of the forearm on the knee, and the palm on the stomach.

Crunches and Intense Abdominal Work
Yoga poses that should be avoided during pregnancy. Yoga poses like boat races or any other exercises can also compress the stomach, can also compress the stomach. Ideally, you should aim to tighten the abdominal muscles to the spine when performing twists.
During pregnancy, this becomes impossible for the abdominal press as it separates from your developing uterus. Subsequently, your press will be sold in the form of a cone and a press on the alba line. The white line is the connective tissue that keeps the left and right sides of your abs intact.
Yoga poses that should be avoided during pregnancy and the necessary tension on the white line can cause or cause irritation of the rectum, a symptom of the stomach.
- What You Can Do
Avoiding twisting does not mean that basic yoga poses should be avoided during pregnancy. Having a strong core can help you improve your posture, reduce stress, and prevent lower back pain. It can also make childbirth and recovery easier.
To secure the core securely, you can perform the pose of a Sunny Bird and a plank. Be sure to keep the correct shape and change the bars. Do this by placing your knees on the mat if you notice that your stomach is bulging or it becomes difficult to maintain the correct shape.
However, if in doubt, skip working on the press. It’s a good idea to skip it, not do it wrong.
“Pretzel” Poses
Anything that required you to twist in a knot isn’t best for pregnancy. You may compress your belly, putting your baby at risk.
Since hormone-releasing loosens your joints, such a process can strain or dislocate your joints and ligaments. You can also easily overstretch yourself if you aren’t careful.
- What You Can Do
Take the time to practice poses that may be useful during the appropriate trimester, or prepare your body for childbirth.
Or just relax or sit for a few minutes of meditation and observe the sensations in your body. Later you will always be able to advance in your practice.
When it comes to inversions such as Headstand, it’s important to always be cautious. However, pregnancy is an extremely sensitive period in a woman’s life. Starting any form of more advanced exercise isn’t a good idea.
If you had a strong inversion practice before, you may be able to keep practicing during pregnancy. Modify and use the wall as support. Avoiding them is generally recommended late in the third trimester when the baby has already settled.
But, if you hadn’t practiced inversions before or were new to them, pregnancy isn’t the time to begin or advance in your inversion journey. You can easily tip over, fall, or place excess pressure on your cervical spine.

- What You Can Do
Legs-Up-The-Wall can be a great alternative to inversions. Yet, don’t forget to prop up your upper body starting from the second trimester.
Or you can do a few rounds of Cat-Cows or simply rest.
Poses that Require Deep Stretching
Like pretzel poses, deep stretches can hurt your joints, muscles, and ligaments if not done carefully.
So, go easy on poses like Splits and Lizards.
- What You Can Do
Try Half-Splits or, if you are more advanced, modify splits by using blocks and blankets. When it comes to Lizards, you can also incorporate props such as blocks or straps. They can help you remain more comfortable.
Start the practice with a warming massage of the hands, feet, and face.
Self-massage will help to get out of a lazy half-asleep state, warm up the body, and improve blood flow and lymphatic drainage in the body, warm-up. This technique perfectly performs the role of warm-up or joint gymnastics.

Self-massage of hands
- Stretch each finger on your hand: from the little finger to the thumb.
- Perform rubbing movements from the base to the tip of your finger.
- Stretch your palm. From the corner of the palm, with pressing movements, lead the rays to the little finger, then to the index finger, then to the thumb. Repeat several times.
- In a circular motion (clockwise), massage the point in the center of the palm, grabbing the palm with your fingers from the inside and from the back.
- Repeat steps 1-3 on the other hand.
- Connect your palms and rub them vigorously until heat appears.
- Rub your hands with a motion similar to washing your hands underwater.
- Pressing, swipe the palm up from the hand to the shoulder joint and collar area of the other hand. Repeat several times from different sides of the arm.
- Follow step 7 on the opposite side.
Foot self-massage

- Take a sitting position with your legs spread to a comfortable width. The knees can be slightly bent, the main thing is to keep your back straight, and stretch up with the top of your head.
- Rub your palms together until the heat appears.
- Wrap your warm palms around and warm one foot.
- Swipe, pressing your palms tightly to the body, from the foot up along the entire leg. Hold one warm palm on the kidney area. Repeat 3 times.
- Follow steps 3 and 4 on the other leg.
Warming facial massage

Rub your palms until the heat appears and smoothes the face from the center to the periphery as if washing with warm water. Pay special attention to the forehead, the point between the eyebrows and the temples.
Yoga Poses to Avoid and other practices
Yoga Poses to avoid If you are a fan of Bikram or hot yoga, pregnancy may not be the best time for them. If you are not very experienced and are not used to the heat, you may overheat.
As a result, your body may not be able to regulate its temperature on its own. This means that your child will also overheat. This can negatively affect its development.
Relaxin increases joint flexibility. Combined with a high temperature, this can increase the risk of injury. In the second and third trimesters, balancing can be more difficult, which makes you more likely to fall and get hurt.
Hot pranayamas and breath-holding are other practices that you should avoid during pregnancy. You risk overheating, limiting the flow of air for your child and yourself, or you will get dizzy.
Perform deep belly breathing or Ujaya pranayama (also known as Victorious or Ocean Breathing). Both resemble breathing practices taught in prenatal yoga and childbirth classes, and can also be useful during childbirth.
Happy pregnancy and yoga classes! And keep in mind that every day is different. What may be good today may not be so good tomorrow.
Prevention and control of stress
How would it be advisable for me to quiet down and quit being apprehensive about trifles, in this manner hurting the soundness of the unborn child? We should name a couple of basic and compelling means:
- Breathing activities. To quiet down, you want to utilize profound, estimated relaxing. Because of it, the muscles and organs of the entire body are improved with oxygen. This prompts standardization of pulse, alleviation of muscle, and profound strain
- Phytotherapy. Melissa, mint, valerian, and motherwort make a loosening up difference. You can make tea from these spices, and add a decoction to the shower.
- Fragrance-based treatment. Natural ointments of pine needles, citrus organic products, and sandalwood will assist a pregnant lady with quieting down.
- Meditation and self—preparation are strategies for working with your physical and mental state, taking into account the procedure of self-suggestion. To understand how to relax and change yourself in a positive way, 10-15 minutes a day will be enough.
- Massage. A hopeful mother can massage the back of the neck, head, ears, arms, and legs. This provides a calming effect and helps to reduce the pressure in the casing.
- Proper nutrition. Often, increased anxiety during pregnancy is caused by the lack of vitamin B. It is important to regularly consume foods rich in this nutrient: milk, cheddar cheese, cottage cheese, grown cereals, vegetables, liver, greens, and vegetables.
- Positive environment. To avoid unnecessary reasons for stress, try to communicate more with positive, friendly people.
- Doing your favorite thing, or hobby has a beneficial effect. If there is none, you can learn to needlework, sew, and knit. Repetitive movements allow you to concentrate and distract from unpleasant experiences.
Exercising is important during pregnancy, but your and your baby’s well-being holds priority, too.
Therefore, do not challenge yourself and practice yoga poses that your body cannot cope with. It is important that you consult your healthcare practitioner before following any exercise regime and also know about various yoga moves to avoid during pregnancy.
It is also advisable that you take help from a prenatal fitness/yoga expert, who works in sync with your healthcare practitioner, to learn modified yoga poses suitable for your pregnancy and practice them in group sessions.
Doing so will ensure you have people around you who can help you if needed, and you can stay fit without harming your baby.
Also remember to consume a healthy, balanced diet and stay well hydrated when you have your exercise routine in place. And, pick up cues from your body; if a certain pose causes discomfort or pain, it is always better to avoid it.