Yoga in the fight against varicose veins

Yoga in the fight against varicose veins

In this article, we will look at the reasons for fighting varicose veins and yoga recommendations for the prevention and improvement of this disease.

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are a typical illness that shows itself as deformity of the venous vessels and interruption of the venous valves, which prompts a disintegration of the venous outpouring of blood.

With the development of varicose veins, the following consequences are possible

  • a change in the structure of the vascular wall is its stretching, which often has irreversible consequences;
  • an adjustment of the idea of bloodstream — its dialing back or choppiness. In the event that the bloodstream dials back, the blood can thicken, which thus can prompt the development of blood clumps;
  • deterioration of metabolism in general and nutrition of organs and tissues in particular.
How does venous return occur
Yoga in the fight against varicose veins

How does venous return occur

Blood vessel blood conveys oxygen to the tissues and gets back to the heart through the veins for “refueling”. During the constriction of the heart, pressure is made that moves the blood. This tension debilitates while moving endlessly from the heart, which confounds venous return. The power of gravity, thus, additionally makes it hard for the blood to return from the appendages. Our body has made a few devices to finish a huge circle of blood dissemination:

  • There are uncommon valves in the veins that open in transit of blood towards the heart and forestall its converse development. The valve framework is generally evolved in the legs, since there the blood needs to beat the greatest protection from the power of Earth’s gravity.
  • Skeletal muscles squeeze the veins when working and push the blood up, functioning as pumps. Thus, each step helps to direct venous blood to the heart.
  • The sucking activity of the chest during the inward breath stage. At the point when we breathe in, the chest grows, the tension in the chest cavity diminishes, with the goal that the venous blood is all the more effectively coordinated to the space of lower pressure.
Causes of varicose veins the fight against varicose veins
Yoga in the fight against varicose veins

As the name suggests, venous disease can develop where there are veins. The most common forms of varicose veins:

  • Varicose veins of the lower extremities are one of the most frequently diagnosed forms of the disease.
  • Varicose veins of the pelvis. This structure is likewise exceptionally normal, yet it is identified significantly less frequently since it is outwardly substantially less observable than varicose veins of the legs.
  • Hemorrhoids-dilation of the veins surrounding the rectum and anus.

Causes of varicose veins the fight against varicose veins

  • Heredity. Hereditary inclination, which is communicated in the elements of the construction of the connective tissue that frames the external dividers of the veins and their valves. That is, assuming the dad and mother have varicose veins, almost certainly, the youngster will likewise be presented to this in adulthood. Along these lines, the presence of instances of varicose veins in the family is a genuine motivation to contemplate its anticipation.
  • Obesity. Excess weight makes it difficult for venous return;
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Activities that involve prolonged sitting and, in particular, prolonged standing. In this case, the mechanism of muscle pumps, which are one of the main tools of venous return, does not work during the holding of a stationary pose.
  • The endocrine factor. Hormonal changes and disorders can greatly affect both the outer connective tissue layer and the tone of the muscle layer of the veins. Hormone replacement therapy, taking hormonal contraceptives can have a negative effect on the state of venous outflow. In the phases of the menstrual cycle, women have an increase in the level of progesterone — and the connective tissue of the vascular wall becomes more elastic. During pregnancy, there is also a change in the hormonal background, which can contribute to the development of varicose veins.
  • Serious clogging, in which there is an increment in the volume of the digestive system, prompts mechanical trouble in the development of blood through the veins.
Causes of varicose veins the fight against varicose veins
Yoga in the fight against varicose veins
  • Regular intensive loads with lifting weights and straining, like weightlifters. This increases the load on the veins and their valves.

Is it possible to combine

Yoga showed up in India very nearly 5,000 years prior, however, it opened up to European inhabitants just in the nineteenth century. This near craftsmanship went to our nation much later. However, regardless of being a late associate, yoga has become well known and broadly used to battle numerous diseases.

To do the activities, you can peruse various books and video directions. However, it is smarter to utilize this material as one extra. It is best to begin contemplating in specific salons or at courses. This is particularly valid for those individuals who have varicose veins. An expert will assist you with picking the right arrangement of activities and the musicality of classes.

Yoga for varicose veins can truly help. Yet, here you should be extremely cautious. The truth of the matter is that a specific yoga complex might require genuine actual exertion from the patient. It is better not to perform such activities in case there are varicose veins of the legs or different pieces of the body. Yoga can essentially work on your well-being.

The main advantages of this “sport” experts include the following:

  • the joints are strengthened. During yoga exercises, it is necessary to perform many different movements. The more the articular cartilage “slows down”, the more nutrients it receives;
  • yoga helps strengthen bones. There are certain exercises in which it is necessary to maintain your weight with the help of specific parts of the body. Such classes allow you to strengthen your bones and avoid osteoporosis.
  • further develops blood dissemination. It is the present situation that makes yoga a decent solution for varicose veins. During the activities, an assortment of stances is taken. Every one of them invigorates inward organs and “drive” blood through the body.

Furthermore, yoga can likewise help inwardly. Such activities quiet down and” remove ” stress. To be specific, the last regularly harmfully affects the body. Additionally, remember about the advantages of appearance. This element of yoga is particularly loved by ladies. Activities permit you to keep your figure in a decent and appealing shape.

Be that as it may, as currently noted, with different classes, you can not try too hard with actual effort. For instance, numerous yoga presents require keeping up with your weight with specific pieces of the body. Simultaneously, they are under a substantial burden. On the legs, in particular, on the lower limits, varicose veins are frequently discovered, such an effect can have an extremely unfavorable impact. The veins won’t withstand the heaps, and there is a danger of interior dying. In this manner, all activities ought to be finished with outrageous alert.

What exercises can be performed

With varicose veins, the blood in the veins stagnates, the tissues of the legs are not supplied with enough oxygen. When performing special exercises, the leg muscles can be toned and thus stimulate normal blood circulation. The complex of asanas takes 15-20 minutes and consists of three parts.

Yoga in the fight against varicose veins

Perform six asanas, in each of which you need to stay for five breathing cycles.

Preparation for baddha konasana (butterfly pose)

Preparation for baddha konasana (butterfly pose)
Yoga in the fight against varicose veins

Subsequent stage: take the butterfly present. Your errand is to open your feet. Attempt to grow the feet, squeezing the leg lift to the floor however much as could reasonably be expected. The foot associates with the hip joint. The more the foot opens, the more the joint works. Put your hands not on your knees, but rather on your hips. Divert your hips from the back to the front. The more the hip is sent, the more the hip joint works once more.

Agni stambhasana (fire-enhancing pose, agni yoga)

Agni stambhasana (fire-enhancing pose, agni yoga)
fight against varicose veins

Attempt to overlay your legs so your feet are under your knees. It just so happens, the legs are opposite to the body. The surfaces of the feet are coordinated upwards, the socks are aimed at yourself. There ought to be no folds in the Achilles ligament region.

Attempt to overlay your legs so your feet are under your knees. It just so happens, the legs are opposite to the body. The surfaces of the feet are coordinated upwards, the socks are aimed at yourself. There ought to be no folds in the Achilles ligament region.

Gomukhasana (cow head pose)

Gomukhasana (cow head pose)
Yoga in the fight against varicose veins

Cross your legs so that one knee is above the other. There is a variant of the pose when we begin to lower the body forward and bring one knee closer to the other with our own weight.

Gomukhasana (cow head pose)
varicose veins

It is necessary to go down to the level at which a pleasant stretch is felt in the hip joint area. In the full version of this pose, the hands are folded behind the back. But in our complex against varicose veins, it is not necessary to use your hands.

Virasana (hero pose)

Virasana (hero pose)
fight against varicose veins

Attempt to overlay your legs so your feet are under your knees. It just so happens, the legs are opposite to the body. The surfaces of the feet are coordinated upwards, the socks are aimed at yourself. There ought to be no folds in the Achilles ligament region.

Supta virasana (lying down hero pose)

Deviate from the hero’s pose back. If it’s hard, you don’t have to go to bed. It is enough just to deviate.

Part two of the complex against varicose veins

Substitute the recorded asanas with the birch posture. Simultaneously, you should be in the birch posture briefly, and indifferent asanas for 20 seconds.

You need to substitute asanas in a specific order. Enter the butterfly present, then, at that point, the birch posture. Then, at that point, enter the cow’s head present and again into the birch tree. From that point onward, again take the posture of the cow’s head from the other leg and again take the posture of the birch tree. At long last, play out the champion posture and finish the second piece of the complex with the birch posture.

Recall that enter and exit effectively in the birch posture. To enter, take your hands in the lock despite your good faith and assist with lifting the body with them. Stretch your legs shoulder-width separated, pull nearby between the shoulder bones, move your body weight to your shoulders. To get out, pull your straight legs back behind your head, taking the furrow present. Stretch your arms along your middle. Delicately lower your back down, feeling every vertebra, don’t lift the rear of your head and shoulders from the floor. Simultaneously, return your legs forward. Plunk down and take an alternate posture.

Part three of the complex against varicose veins

Without leaving the birch posture, which closes the second piece of the complex, do the uddiyana bandha — pull your stomach in and up, under the ribs. Then, at that point, Mula-Bandhu-pull in the pelvic floor muscles. Stay in this situation however long you are OK with it.

fight against varicose veins

The following exercises — uddiyana-bandha and Mula-bandha-are performed in the butterfly lying position. This is the end of the complex.

fight against varicose veins

Consideration! These proposals are not appropriate for a convoluted variation of varicose veins, with a high likelihood of thromboembolism, just as for intense thrombophlebitis. When picking practices for training, it is important to consider contraindications that might emerge considering other existing illnesses.

General recommendations for varicose veins

  • It is advisable to avoid overheating the body. Be careful about prolonged exposure to the sun, in the sauna, in a hot bath;
  • Choose comfortable shoes that do not clamp the feet;
  • In the event that your work includes sitting or stopping for quite a while, assign a couple of moments consistently to complete a few activities on your legs: pivot your feet, do a couple of delicate squats, walk;
  • Use compression knitwear. It is especially relevant in case of heavy loads, during air travel when you have a long day on your feet;
  • Vacuum and hard anti-cellulite massage are not recommended, as they can cause damage to blood vessels;
  • During sleep, you can put a small pillow under your feet.

Be attentive to your health, because prevention is better than the treatment of diseases!




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