12 yoga poses for two that will teach you to trust

12 yoga poses for two that will teach you to trust

Yoga poses for two is a great option — to practice pair yoga with a loved one, best of all with your life partner. This will allow you to understand and feel each other even more, strengthening the relationship.

The effect of steam yoga for beginners at home

The yoga pose for two is based on the familiar classical yoga, but the asanas have been changed so that they can be performed together with a partner at home. Sometimes you do symmetrical asanas, which allow you to deepen the pose and support your partner, sometimes different poses are performed in which you complement each other.

A great option is a yoga poses for two with a loved one, best of all with your life partner. This will allow you to understand and feel each other even more, strengthening the relationship.

  • On the off chance that you are locked in with a friend or family member, this permits you to figure out how to trust each other more, on the grounds that there are asanas wherein you in a real sense guarantee an individual and his security relies upon you. It is important to turn into a solitary element altogether for the help to come out well. This is unthinkable without the shared agreement and joint work of the two accomplices.
  • Another significant point is protection. Numerous individuals are hesitant to perform, for instance, a handstand or can not go into some other equilibrium asana. On the off chance that somebody upholds you, you will learn complex postures a lot quicker.
  • Yoga poses for two make it possible to stretch more efficiently and correctly hold poses. For example, in a sitting tilt with legs wide apart (Upavishta Konasane), it is quite difficult to bend down at least a little with a straight back with a bad stretch. If your partner gently presses on the lower back, you will be able to deepen the position a little more. In addition, it is more visible from the outside whether you are doing everything correctly. If not, you will have someone to tell you about it.
  • Pair classes allow you to exchange energy, and strengthen it. You will feel a surge of strength not only from working with the breath and body but also from the charge of the second person.
  • There is another, less observable from the outset, in addition to you figuring out how to be more delicate, and mindful, you, somehow, should open up and trust. You work on your human characteristics by cooperating with someone else.
The effect of steam yoga for beginners at home
yoga poses for two

Yoga for two includes performing asanas (position of the body in space) with an accomplice, regardless of whether it is a mate, companion, youngster, or your neighbor on the Mat from the Yoga Studio. That’s no way to improve your relationship with a friend or family member or locate another companion who holds comparative perspectives?

  • Yoga poses for two communicating with an accomplice, we destroy our foundations and fears and get rid of mental and vital obstacles in the body, which are real obstacles to perfection. In particular, people with a closed psychotype are uncomfortable being in an organization of outcasts, and it is difficult for them to trust and allow them to enter their own space. Therefore, before going to yoga classes for two, think about whether you are ready to leave your usual social circle and how this may affect you.
  • We used to make a plunge into my inward world and, clearly unordinary for the vast majority of our practice, can figure out how to feel, comprehend and regard others, to assume liability for them, accordingly destroying the indications of egotism in myself. The information on yoga through joint practice ought to be founded on an amicable confiding in connection with one another.
  • It is likewise worth disposing of the sentiment of rivalry, which prompts unjustified analysis of the accomplice, envy, since you came to support him, anticipating comparable conduct consequently. Likewise, your accomplice’s elevated level of preparation can fill in as a motivator and inspiration for you.
  • If we are talking about physical contact, then your partner is able to increase the depth of your tilt, strengthen the deflection, help maintain balance, improve coordination, and improve stretching — accordingly, the quality of performing asanas increases significantly, as well as the chance to master previously unavailable asanas. At the same time, you should always control your feelings, the strength of the load, as well as the feelings of your partner.
  • Like any other type of hatha yoga in the physiological aspect, yoga for two or asanas for two is aimed at improving the overall condition of the body. A deep study of all muscle groups, the development of strength and endurance, increased immunity, and self-discipline-this is only a small part of what yoga can give.

Yoga poses for two

What do you need to know about asana for two to practice without injury?

  • Converse with your accomplice. “Would I be able to assist you with getting a more profound pose?”,” How would you feel?”,” Let’s attempt to play out this component? ” – these and different inquiries ought to be posed during the act of pair yoga. Make certain to tell your accomplice on the off chance that you feel agony, uneasiness, or distress in any position. And furthermore in the event that you begin to lose your equilibrium and backing.
  • Tune in to your body. Surprising positions and new postures can cause a sensation of elation. Notwithstanding, you ought not to lose your head and disregard the well-being rules. Ensure that you don’t work at the constraint of your solidarity while playing out the asanas. In any case, there is a danger of hyperextension of the muscles or acquiring deferred beginning muscle irritation.

Attunement of breathing for two

Attunement of breathing for two
yoga poses for two

Here and there it’s difficult to quickly begin rehearsing on the off chance that you don’t feel an accomplice and everything happens in one way or another unintelligibly and turbulently.

This can prompt injury in the most pessimistic scenario, a best-case scenario, you essentially won’t feel the totality of this lesson. Therefore, you ought to consistently begin with the breath, synchronize it and follow on. There are a few different ways to do this.

Sit with their backs to one another so the space of their contact is as extensive as possible conceivable, the backs of their heads can likewise contact one another. For instance, the lotus position (Padmasana) or a straightforward one with folded legs present (Sukhasana) is appropriate. Spot your hands on your knees, close your eyes and unwind however much as could reasonably be expected.

Attempt to feel and control both your own breathing and your accomplice’s relaxing

You can plunk down and confront one another if the past alternative isn’t advantageous for reasons unknown. In any case, in this situation, you won’t feel your accomplice’s breathing so well. Join your hands, and let your knees contact.

Begin breathing equitably and smoothly, feel how your accomplice is breathing, check out this and adjust your exhalations, and breathe in until they become something very similar in span.

The energy trade between you is now starting. Stay in this position longer to interface with one another all the more firmly.

You can likewise attempt to play out some pranayamas together, for instance, fire breathing (Kapalabhati), and Ujjayi. For this situation, it is better for you to sit with your eyes open and inverse each other to check whether it is feasible to synchronize your relaxation.

Following 2-5 minutes, you can begin performing asanas straightforwardly.

What is useful for yoga

Yoga poses for two itself is useful for a person, both from the point of view of physical readiness and from the point of view of spiritual readiness. Pair yoga absorbs all the advantages of ordinary yoga and helps to develop those who perform it as a couple: most reviews say that after classes, relations improve, and a spiritual connection appears between people.

What is useful for regular yoga?

  • Improves muscle elasticity;
  • Helps in weight loss;
  • Strengthens the back muscles and improves posture;
  • Improves coordination;
  • Improves overall physical condition;
  • Helps to cope with irritants and stress;
  • Makes a person energetic and cheerful.

Simple exercises for two

Supta Baddha konasana (bound angle lying Position). Asana has a tonic effect on the urinary system, kidneys, and prostate, and also relieves leg fatigue after prolonged exercise.

Supta Baddha konasana (bound angle lying Position)
yoga poses for two

Detuning: one of the partners lies on his back, bends his legs at the knees, and connects the feet, placing them as close to the perineum as possible. The pelvis is pressed tightly against the Mat, and the arms are stretched along the body or behind the head. The second partner sits facing him and, holding the partner’s feet with his knees, places his palms on the inner surfaces of his thighs, exerting controlled intense pressure.

Supta Padangushthasana (the situation of getting a handle on the enormous toe from the inclined position). The asana extends the hamstrings and back of the thighs, diminishes solidness in the hip joints, and moves back torment.

Supta Padangushthasana
yoga poses for two

Detuning: one of the accomplices lies on his back, and the pelvis, shoulders, and head are squeezed firmly to the Mat. The subsequent accomplice, applying weight and squeezing the correct leg of the first to the floor, pulls the left leg to his body.

When playing out the second form of Supt padangushthasana, the accomplice who is setting It up gets the large toe of the left foot and leads it aside. The subsequent accomplice, holding the correct hip of the first on the Mat, applies pressure on the inward surface of his left hip, attempting to bring down his leg to the Mat.

Paschimottanasana (Posture of serious extending of the Western (back) surface of the body. Asana tones and fortifies the stomach organs, and beneficially affects the heart, endocrine, and Central sensory system.

Paschimottanasana (Posture of serious extending of the Western (back)
yoga poses for two

Detuning: one of the accomplices sits on the Mat with a straight back, extending his legs and pointing his feet at himself. Uniformly extending the back from the coccyx to the highest point of the head, because of a turn in the hip joints, the principal accomplice goes into a slant to the legs. From that point forward, the subsequent accomplice puts his hands on the backside of the first and delicately extends his back from the rear end towards the lower back.

Another alternative for setting up the asana can be a situation wherein the accomplices sit with their backs to one another and when the principal accomplice fixes the tilt, the subsequent one reclines, playing out an avoidance.

Cervical-thoracic deflection. Asana opens the shoulder joints, and chest, and improves blood circulation in the chest area.

Cervical-thoracic deflection
yoga poses for two

Detuning: one of the partners goes down on his knees and, keeping his hips perpendicular to the floor, tries to lower his chin to the floor, hands extended forward, palms down. The second partner is behind the first and, putting pressure on the shoulder blades, tries to lower his chest closer to the Mat.

Paschimottanasana (The position of intensive stretching of the western (back)

The outside of the body. Asana tones and fortifies the stomach organs, and beneficially affects the heart, endocrine, and focal sensory system.

Paschimottanasana (The position of intensive stretching of the western (back)
yoga poses for two

Detuning: one of the accomplices sits on the tangle with a straight back, extending his legs and pointing his feet at himself. Equitably extending the back from the coccyx to the highest point of the head, because of the revolution in the hip joints, the principal accomplice goes into a slant to the legs.

From that point onward, the subsequent accomplice puts his palms on the posterior of the first and tenderly pulls his back from the rear end towards the lower back.

Another variation of the asana change can be a situation wherein the accomplices sit with their backs to one another and when the primary accomplice fixes the slant, the subsequent one reclines, playing out a diversion.

Adho of much of Svanasana (Pose downward-facing dog). The asana promotes

Strengthen the legs, increase their flexibility, and also relieves general fatigue, and tension in the neck, shoulders, and wrists.

Adho of much of Svanasana (Pose downward-facing dog)
yoga poses for two

Tuning: one accomplice gets up and down on the ground, with the palms shoulder width and hip-width of the pelvis. Laying his palms on the floor, the main accomplice puts his feet on his fingers and pushes the pelvis up, fixing his legs. The subsequent accomplice puts his feet on the palms of the primary, in this manner squeezing them all the more firmly to the tangle, and places his palms on his shoulder bones, guiding the chest of the accomplice to the hips.

Upavishta Konasana (Angle pose from a sitting position)

Detuning: one of the accomplices sits on the tangle with a straight back and spreads his legs, augmenting the distance between them. Extending up behind the highest point of the head, the accomplice who develops the asana, because of the pivot in the hip joints, goes into a forward slant. The subsequent accomplice puts his palms fair and square of the backside of the first and stretches his back.

Upavishta Konasana (Angle pose from a sitting position)
yoga poses for twо

Deflection in a standing position

Stand with your backs to each other. Put your feet together, and press your heels to your partner’s heels. Join hands. Start feeding the body forward at the same time with the partner, while holding each other firmly with your hands.

Effect: stimulation of the nervous system, kidneys, and adrenal glands. An increase in lung volume, strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Acceleration of the metabolic process in the body.

Deflection in a standing position
yoga poses for two


Sit in the lotus position, pressing back to back. Then stretch your arms up and grasp them at the highest point. You are in this position for several minutes, controlling your breathing – it should be uniform.

Effect: strengthening the hips, knees, and leg muscles. It also has a positive effect on the sacral part of the vertebra. Correct posture is formed, and the curvature of the spine decreases.

yoga poses for two

Boat pose

Sit opposite each other, face to face. Fold your legs together and lift them up at an angle of 60-70 degrees, pressing your feet to the feet of your partner. Hold hands, they should be parallel to the floor.

Effect: improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthening the tendons and muscles of the legs, and getting rid of back pain.

 Double Tree Pose

This is a beginner-level yoga pose for two people to improve your balance and an opportunity to seek the support of your partner while standing on one leg.

The name of this pose, Double Tree pose clarifies it all for you. It is quite similar to the Tree pose with the only difference of practicing it together dedicating each half of the body. This pose stretches the chest, abdominals, glutes, hamstrings, knees, and quadriceps.


  • Stand side-by-side with your partner touching the hips and waist.
  • Raise your inside arms overhead so that both of your raised palms join.
  • Now, both of you lift your outside foot and bending the knee outwards place the foot on the inner thigh.
  • Draw your outside arms across the body so that both your palms join in front.
  • Hold the pose maintaining the balance for a few breaths.
Boat pose
yoga poses for two

Precautions and contraindications

You ought not to begin classes feeling irritated by your accomplice or following an embarrassment. For this situation, there will be no sense from training, but since of the overall negative temperament, the danger of injury increments.

Contraindications incorporate any sicknesses, pregnancy, fever, or muscle torment. On the off chance that the condition of well-being fails to impress anyone, it is smarter to forsake the exercise on this day. It is prescribed to finish the joint preparation with the “body present”, having settled down with the “jack” accomplice.

From that point onward, you can hold a joint contemplation or simply take a stroll to the closest park. It is prescribed to pick a tranquil time for classes when none of the accomplices need to surgeon business.


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