Vegetarian Ayurvedic Eggplant Recipes: 4 Amazing Meat-free Dishes

Vegetarian Ayurvedic Eggplant Recipes: 4 Amazing Meat-free Dishes

Ayurvedic Eggplant Recipes. There is food that makes us gray, boring, stupid, and sluggish. Live food gives energy, and a sense of vitality stimulates creativity. What does it depend on? We eat on the one hand the substance, on the other hand, the energy that it contains. The question is what is the ratio of matter and energy in the product?

Eggplant lasagna

  • Festive, rich taste
  • Meat eaters will also like it
  • Cheese crust in combination with tomato paste is very popular with children
  • Italian notes are given by dried basil

 Eggplant Recipes Ingredients

1 large eggplant
200 gr grated tomatoes
100 gr Adyghe cheese (mozzarella cheese is possible)
150 gr hard cheese
Salt to taste
Spices: ground basil and ground coriander
Ghee Oil

Ayurvedic Eggplant Recipes cooking

Wash, cut off the tail, and cut the eggplant into dainty plastics. I got 9 such pieces from one huge eggplant.
Move the eggplant to a bowl of salted water and let it stand.

Cut Adyghe cheddar into plastics, and grind hard cheddar on a fine grater.

Then, at that point, eliminate, flush under running water and dry the eggplant layers.

Heat ghee oil in a skillet (on the off chance that not, any unscented vegetable oil will do). Broil the eggplant plastics in it on the two sides so they are caramelized. In the event that there was a great deal of oil, smear them with paper napkins.

Take any intensity safe structure that is advantageous for you. Put a layer of eggplant on the base. On top—ground tomatoes. You can be extremely liberal.
Sprinkle them with a spot of coriander. From that point forward, spread out the cheddar plastics, and ground cheddar on top.

In this manner, rehash the layers thusly until the items run out. The last layer ought to be made of eggplant, which we likewise grease up with ground tomatoes, add basil, and sprinkle liberally with ground cheddar.

Preheat the broiler to 200 degrees. Then, at that point, put a dish in it and heat for 20-25 minutes. The cheddar ought to become bronzed.

Organize the dish on plates and serve while it stays h

Eggplant Recipes’ taste and properties

The dish ends up being bubbly, with a rich taste. Simultaneously, it doesn’t leave a sensation of substantialness. The primary thing isn’t to get out of hand with coriander — add it in a real sense a squeeze to each layer. If it’s not too much trouble, note that basil is just on the highest layer!

Ayurvedic Recipes eggplant with raisins

Vegetarian Ayurvedic Eggplant Recipes: 4 Amazing Meat-free Dishes
Ayurvedic Eggplant Recipe

This is an amazing dish with a wealth of flavors. Raisins add sweetness and conviviality to the dish.

Ayurvedic Recipes eggplant with raisins ingredients

1 eggplant,
3 tomatoes,
1 large bell pepper,
1 carrot,
1/4 cup raisins,
0.5 tsp ground cumin,
a pinch of asafoetida,
Shambhala leaves (optional)
1/4 tsp fine salt,
sugar to taste,

Ayurvedic Recipes eggplant with raisins cooking

Put the pan on the fire, and pour a little oil (any).
Cut the vegetables and consecutively load them into the container in layers: carrots, ringer peppers (ideally green — it has a more splendid taste), eggplant, raisins, flavors, and tomatoes.
In the event that it ends up being somewhat dry, add a little water.
Tomatoes are placed in the absolute last when any remaining vegetables become delicate.
Add sugar, its sum relies upon the corrosiveness of tomatoes.
Stew the vegetables until vegetables are delicate.
Toward the end, add hacked spices (parsley) and asafoetida.

Ayurvedic Recipes eggplant with pepper under dressing

Ayurvedic Recipes eggplant with pepper under dressing
Ayurvedic Eggplant Recipe

This magnificent dish (slightly rajasic) is necessary for those who need to raise their vitality


Ayurvedic Eggplant Recipe
Ayurvedic Eggplant Recipe

Dressing — universal sauce for vegetables:
— Vegetable oil — 3/4 of the volume of other products.
— Balsamic or wine vinegar 1 tbsp (or lemon juice)
— Garlic 2 tooth.
— Honey 1 st l
— Salt

Pepper and eggplant bake in the oven, then peel, cut, and marinate (overnight or for 3-4 hours) in the sauce.

P.S. This sauce is perfect for a salad of raw beets, carrots, and apples. It is important to cut everything into very thin strips.

Ayurvedic Recipes eggplant with pepper under dressing
Ayurvedic Eggplant Recipe

Ayurvedic Recipes eggplant with sesame

Ayurvedic Recipes eggplant with sesame
Ayurvedic Recipes eggplant with sesame

Classic Ayurvedic dish — delicate, rich in taste, harmonious

Fry spices on ghee: cardamom (3 pieces), cumin 1/2 teaspoon, chili pepper 1/2 small pod finely chopped
Turmeric 1/2 teaspoon, asafoetida 1/2 teaspoon
Then add sesame 2 tbsp. l. and fry a little.
Then add
eggplants (2 or 3) (peel, cut into cubes).
Simmer under the lid a little, add salt,
then fry.


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