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Breathing - control over energy

Breathing – control over energy

Breath - control over energy management plays an important role in our lives, and its interaction with the body, mind, heart, and spirit is...
Chair Pose (Utkatasana): How to Do (Steps), Benefits & Precautions

Chair Pose (Utkatasana): Benefits & Precautions

A chair pose is a standing squat that let upper and lower body muscles strengthen simultaneously. While holding this pose for a while, you...
Pingala Wonderful 3 Mans Inscription: Ida, Sushumna

Pingala and the Best 2 Ida, Sushumna

Main Nadis similar to show energy goes via your nervous system, our astral body has hundreds of energy pathways called nadis. All living things, according...
Best Ayurvedic medicine for nerve strength

Best Ayurvedic medicine for nerve strength

The best Ayurvedic medicine for strengthening nerves, diseases are the result of a number of psychological and physical ailments, such as anxiety, depression, and...
Best Yoga Practice with Eight-Angle Pose

Eight-Angle Pose: Best Yoga Practice

Astavakrasana, also known as the Eight-Angle Pose, is a demanding yet rewarding yoga posture that requires a combination of strength, flexibility, balance, and self-assurance. This...