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Dhauti Kriya: 4 Best Uses
The best Dhauti Kriya the internal organ system in the human body is a tremendously intricate system. However, this system offers a self-cleaning feature. However, occasionally it doesn't entirely cleanse on its own or there may be some leftover food articles. Over time, it keeps building up and becomes an impurity. That is how we get sick. A set of six...
Vaman Dhauti or Kunjal Kriya: Method, Advantages, and Contraindications
Various Dhauti is described in the ancient yogic literature Hatha Yoga Pradipika to ensure adequate cleansing of the internal organ system (action). There are six cleansing kriyas described in the text that target various parts of the body, including the head, upper stomach, lower stomach, nose, and eyes. The upper stomach region is cleansed by Vaman Dhauti or Kunjal...
Basti Kriya (Yogic Enema): Cleansing of Intestines
Basti Kriya is a technique of replenishing the body internally by cleansing the colon thoroughly. It is one of the six purification techniques known as Shatkarma mentioned in Hatha Yoga Pradipika. An assortment of activities known as Basti is used to cleanse the intestines. There are two varieties of Basti-Kriya: Sukshma-Basti, which is dry, and Jala-Basti, which is wet. Jala-Basti is...
4 Types of Neti and Their Benefits
Types of Neti and Their Benefits the technique of nasal cleansing, which is one of the important components of the yogic Shatkarmas is known as Neti Kriya. It cleans the sinuses, ease headache, tones up the optic nerves, and thus improves s Types of Neti Kriya Neti has roots in the traditional Indian way of life. Neti is one of several...
Jala Neti: Procedure, Health Benefits and Side Effects
Jala Neti The act of purification is highly valued in the yogic way of life. Deep organ cleansing is thought to be necessary to remove illnesses and toxins from our bodies and prepare our systems for the benefits of yoga. These cleansing techniques of yoga are called the Kriyas. They form an important section called the Shatkarmas in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, a...
How to Use A Neti Pot Correctly
Neti Pot corrects how to use if you have experienced nasal congestion, you know what discomfort is felt when breathing during it. The main cause of nasal congestion is inflammation of the blood vessels of the nose, which is caused by colds, flu, allergies, and sinus infections. Read this article to learn how to use Neti Pot correctly. After reading this...
Can Yoga Exercises For The Eyes Take Off The Glasses? 6 exercises to improve vision
Exercises to improve vision It would be too extreme to say that yoga eye exercises may remove spectacles. Yoga or any other eye exercise cannot be proven to be a reliable substitute for wearing glasses. Yoga eye exercises, however, might enhance your overall eye health, which might eventually reduce your need for spectacles. There is a remote possibility, but...
Uddiyana Bandha: Precautions and benefits
Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the ancient text of Hatha Yoga, clearly tells with the help of Uddiyana bandha one can lift the Prana – life force. Through this bandha, the great bird “prana” constantly flies up through the Sushumna Nadi; that is why it is called Uddiyana (upward flying) – (chapter 3 Verse 55) Uddiyana Bandha, also known as Upward Flying Lock or...
Yoga for the spine — top best asanas
Yoga for the spine — best yoga for the spine. Is a good way to get rid of the many problems that we face due to a sedentary lifestyle. Modern people really don't move much. Sedentary work and passive leisure do not contribute to improving health, alas. The desire for comfort, in fact, plays a cruel joke with us. We...
Beat anxiety and stress with yoga
Beat anxiety and stress with Yoga-this is yoga for stress relief. This practice does not require much time and effort, but as a result of the exercises, the state of harmony and peace in many is replaced by anxiety and stress of defeat. What's more, it becomes a bigger priority than getting decent solid relief or losing extra pounds. We...
Uddiyana Bandha, its significant advantages
Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the ancient text of Hatha Yoga, clearly tells with the help of Uddiyana bandha one can lift the Prana – life force. Through this bandha, the great bird “prana” constantly flies up through the Sushumna Nadi; that is why it is called Uddiyana (upward flying) – (chapter 3 Verse 55) We talked about how to use bandhas in the...

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Morning practice for Beginners: 10 invigorating asanas

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4 Types of Neti and Their Benefits

4 Types of Neti and Their Benefits

Types of Neti and Their Benefits the technique of nasal cleansing, which is one of the important components of the yogic Shatkarmas is known...
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