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6Yoga exercises with the best balls

6Yoga exercises with the best balls

Yoga exercises with the best balls, also known as a yoga ball, exercise ball, or stability ball, is a large inflatable ball typically used...
Nauli Kriya: How to Do, Precautions & Benefits

Nauli Kriya: How to Do, Precautions & Benefits

Nauli Kriya is one of the Shatkarma mentioned in the ancient yogic text, Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Shatkarma is basically six yogic purification techniques. The...
Bridge Pose: The Best advantages

Bridge Pose: The Best advantages

The inverted backbend pose known as the "bridge pose" primarily stretches the neck, chest, and spine. In Vinyasa sequences, it is frequently employed. This yoga...
Learn Kapalbhati Pranayama – Skull Shining Breath

Learn Kapalbhati Pranayama – Skull Shining Breath

Kapalbhati Pranayama do you know what makes Kapalbhati the most popular yoga breathing technique? It is the capacity to cleanse the body. An advanced yogic...

Pregnancy Yoga Stretches for Lower Back Pain

Pregnancy Yoga Stretches for Lower Back Pain. Back pain is a frequent companion of pregnancy. The degree of this pain can vary from a...