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Elevate Your Well-Being with Yoga – Nourish Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

Throw off the shackles. Yoga for a healthy neck.
Throw off the shackles will help yoga for the neck and shoulders allows you to improve the work of the neck-collar zone, and also serves as an excellent preventive measure if you want to throw off the shackles to maintain health and maintain the balance of the energy system. Special yoga exercises for the shoulders and neck allow her to...
8 Best Lymphatic Yoga Complexe
Yoga for improving lymph flow. The lymph is a clear, watery liquid. It, unlike blood, moves through the blood vessels due to the contractions of the heart, the lymph flow is provided by muscle contractions and contractions of the vessels themselves, which contain smooth myocytes. Yoga asanas help improve the flow of lymph. The postures described below are also called...

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Yoga squats Malasana

Yoga squats Malasana

Yoga squats Malasana for those who have been practicing yoga for months (or just can boast of a good stretch), you can gradually move...
Pashinee Mudra: Meaning, Application, and Advantages

Pashinee Mudra – the best application

Pashinee Mudra is a gesture known for its ability to overcome hidden subconscious fears. It is practiced assuming Halasana as the basic posture, hence, categorized...

Pregnancy Yoga Stretches for Lower Back Pain

Pregnancy Yoga Stretches for Lower Back Pain. Back pain is a frequent companion of pregnancy. The degree of this pain can vary from a...
18 Best Yoga Sitting Poses for All Yogis

18 Best Yoga Sitting Poses for All Yogis

Yoga Sitting poses offer a wonderful way to gradually awaken the body in the morning or indulge in deep, satisfying stretches after a vigorous...
8 Best Lymphatic Yoga Complexe

8 Best Lymphatic Yoga Complexes

Yoga for improving lymph flow. The lymph is a clear, watery liquid. It, unlike blood, moves through the blood vessels due to the contractions...