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Elevate Your Well-Being with Yoga – Nourish Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

Throw off the shackles. Yoga for a healthy neck.
Throw off the shackles will help yoga for the neck and shoulders allows you to improve the work of the neck-collar zone, and also serves as an excellent preventive measure if you want to throw off the shackles to maintain health and maintain the balance of the energy system. Special yoga exercises for the shoulders and neck allow her to...
8 Best Lymphatic Yoga Complexe
Yoga for improving lymph flow. The lymph is a clear, watery liquid. It, unlike blood, moves through the blood vessels due to the contractions of the heart, the lymph flow is provided by muscle contractions and contractions of the vessels themselves, which contain smooth myocytes. Yoga asanas help improve the flow of lymph. The postures described below are also called...

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Basti Kriya (Yogic Enema): Cleansing of Intestines

The Best Basti Kriya (Yoga Enema)

Basti Kriya is a technique of replenishing the body internally by cleansing the colon thoroughly. It is one of the six purification techniques known...
What Is Trataka: Candle Flame Trataka, Types, Benefits & More

What Is Trataka: Candle Flame Trataka, Types, Benefits & More

What Is Trataka Yoga's main goal has always been to calm the mind's cognitive processes. Yogis employed a variety of meditation techniques to stop...
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Yoga – What it’s 12 amazing benefits

What is yoga? Yoga today has become exceptionally well-known all over the world and is of great interest to people, it has become exceptionally well-known...
4 Types of Neti and Their Benefits

4 Types of Neti and Their Benefits

Types of Neti and Their Benefits the technique of nasal cleansing, which is one of the important components of the yogic Shatkarmas is known...
Matsyasana - the best fish poses

Matsyasana – the best fish poses

Matsyasana or fish pose is a basic back-to-back tilt. In this asana, the entire upper part of your body is stretched out, which also...