Kundalini Awakening Our ambition to energize future generations is continuously being fed by the ancient accomplishments of our saints and yogis. To illuminate the ‘jewel of vast potential’ known as kundalini shakti, however, in order to live a more conscious and lofty spiritual life, is the ultimate aim of all yogic activities.
One must offer oneself physically, psychologically, and spiritually on a route that leads to the “ultimate reality” in order to hear the unheard, see the unseen, and unveil the unsolvable. Although it would be difficult, your desire to feel “awakened” along the journey will keep you linked.
What Is Kundalini Shakti?
Every person has a precious spiritual force called Kundalini Shakti at the base of their spine. Energy is thought to go by many names around the world, including chi, the energy of love, the energy of consciousness, etc. The most delicate kind of energy is kundalini.
However, until a person leads a normal life, it is latent or inactive in that person. An unawakened person’s low-level activities and behavior are controlled by kundalini energy. This energy influences the human with its spiritual aura as it starts to discover its ascending route, lifting the dimensions of the physical, emotional, and mental realms.
People today live in the delusion of sensual or sexual pleasure because they are unaware of their spiritual practices and inner selves. They have not yet been affected by divine influence, which is even more pleasant than before.
Man is a microcosm or kshudra bhramand, he has everything in himself.
Kundalini Shakti is the linkage between the microcosm and macrocosm or ultimate reality or spiritually awakened state of being.
The yogic method of unification with Shiva makes it simple to comprehend the idea of Shakti and its awakening. When Kundalini travels to Shiva, it opens a person’s third eye.
Shiva and Shakti: Third-Eye View
Shiva represents the masculine aspect of consciousness, whereas Shakti represents the feminine aspect of transformation, energizing force, and energy. Both resemble opposite sides of a coin.
- The maternal principle, change, movement, or Prakriti are all represented by the word Shakti (kundalini shakti). Whether you’re thinking of an animal or a human, the mother offers the same things—food, safety, love, care, nourishment, etc.
- Shiva stands for pure consciousness, which is unlimited, unchangeable, and devoid of desire. Shiva and Shakti are manifestations of the divine consciousness or the two facets of the supreme reality.

The Third Eye
The third eye is an abstract concept. If, however, your kundalini shakti reaches a specific high, you will experience a new clarity in your life or in your vision. You’ll start to perceive things via a new lens or perspective. You’ll start to notice where your perception normally ends. The third eye is where your perception has evolved beyond the physical.
Among the seven chakras, the third eye chakra is in the 6th place and there are three dimensions attached to it, which are named after the three different forms of shiva. These are actually experiential points in our bodies.
Spiritual energy, or kundalini shakti, must be ascended in order to shift perception from the constrained to the higher possibility.
Ascending Order of Kundalini Shakti
- When your shakti is dormant at the Mooladhara chakra, then you are confined to food and sleep.
- When it reaches Swadhisthana, it makes a person a pleasure seeker.
- Halt at Manipura turns a person into an achiever or defined by his/her actions.
- Creative and artistic qualities flourish on reaching Kundalini Shakti at Anahata.
- Vishuddha activation is concerned with the power and capacity to accomplish a particular task.
- However, at age or third eye position, kundalini shakti offers you clarity of vision and an intellectually realized state.
- Now, you have touched a point where life cannot disturb you. Till here, you are not ecstatic or awakened but you have stability in your life. From Ajna to Sahasrara (6th to 7th), there is no way, it’s a pathless path. This is the reason that lots of people are discussing peace and all because they reached here and they don’t know what’s beyond.
If your kundalini energy made contact with the Sahasrara, you would spontaneously awaken. As a result, the third eye is something that provides complete clarity regarding the course of life or life itself.
How to Know If You’re Awakened or Not?
Sometimes, our minds suggest that we replicate the likely behavior to show that we are awake. The most subtle awakening, nevertheless, is the kundalini.
By going through certain novel experiences, you can determine whether or not you are awake. Was it unclear? well! If you are unaware of the precise symptoms, kundalini awakening could be more than that.
The following list of typical signs, as seen in awakened spirits, includes:
- During meditation, one may experience the heavenly Anahata sound and the divine vision between the eyes or at the third eye location.
- Receiving direct instructions from god via a faint sound or frequency. This suggests that the kundalini Shakti has awoken.
- The waking is indicated by the involuntary activation of the body’s bandhas.
- When Kevala Kumbhaka activates naturally or when you can manage your breath without exerting any effort. This merely stands for the kundalini shakti that is awake.
- You have attained the level of self-realization when there is no longer any desire for anything when there are no thoughts of the outside world, and when there is only happiness.
- Kundalini awakening makes you feel the vibration of prana and electric jerks across the body, this represents it has become active.
- When you utter ‘OM’ just once it begins to repeat in your subconscious mind without any effort of coordination of brain, tongue, and concerned reflexes. It is the ultimate reality.
Kundalini Awakening Techniques & Stages
Kundalini yoga is a science of focuses on different kriyas & practices which stimulate kundalini. Apart from this, there are many books and authorities that claim to free up that divine energy without any effort. However, the concept of kundalini awakening is even deeper and subtler than their claims.
To comprehend Kundalini awakening, consider the following examples:
A regular individual is like a river with a defined boundary, while kundalini energy is like the thousands of liters of water contained in a dam. However, if the dam starts to run dry, the river would simply overflow, destroying people and property nearby. Therefore, in order to prevent such occurrences, it is required to enhance the river’s volume, boundary, or capacity. Similar to how one must be able to consume a large bolus of energy by building up to a particular degree with the aid of the proper procedures before the kundalini awakens. Therefore, it won’t affect the practitioner in any way.
Only the pre-awakened guru can lead someone through the process of kundalini energy awakening (teacher). One can release their kundalini energy by correctly engaging in the following practices or techniques over the course of certain phases.
1. By Practice of Breathing Exercises

One can achieve the best outcome by breathing deliberately and under control (pranayama). At the base of the spine, in the Mooladhara chakra, resides Kundalini. To have the sacred serpent crawl to the later phases of chakras, one must touch above its head.
It entails breathing in via the left nostril while tightly closing the right while saying “OM” three times, and holding it up to twelve times. Assume that your breath is moving through and touching the Mooladhara. Repeat the same sequence of chanting OM while exhaling through your right nostril.
As a result, the Ida and Pingala Nadis are balanced, which in turn balances the main Nadi, Sushumna. The Sushumna originates from the Mooladhara chakra, which is stimulated as prana flows through it.
2. By the Practice of Asana (Physical Postures)
In addition to correcting posture and treating physical ailments, asana practice also focuses on gently arousing the kundalini shakti.
Three methods are used in a yogic posture to try to awaken spiritual energy:
- The discipline of the physical body
- Purification of Nadis
- Controlling the Prana
The practitioner’s ability to manage the nervous system is further aided by the number of asanas that strengthen or tone it. This causes the Mooladhara at the base of the spine to heat up and control the kundalini energy’s flow to the ascending chakras. As a result, it helps to awaken the Kundalini Shakti.
3. Chanting of Seed Mantras

Chanting mantras is another method for igniting the kundalini. The sacred sound, known as beej, seed, or the origin mantras, has a specific frequency that, when spoken, sends a wave of currents across the body.
It resonates with the body’s subtle junction of Nadis or chakras, though. Each chakra has a beej mantra that, when in resonance with the universe’s resonant frequency, has a subtle influence on awareness. The appropriate sound or frequency is used to activate the relevant chakra in this way.
From Mooladhara to Sahasrara chakra, the beej mantras are LAM, VAM, RAM, YAM, HAM, and OM. Their sincere chanting causes the divine kundalini energy to be activated, awakened, and raised.
4. By Adopting a Sattvic Diet
Diet is crucial for sattva guna development and, by extension, for preserving mental and physical harmony. We are what we consume. When the kundalini awakens, the body goes through several physiological changes that include depression, disturbed digestion, loss of appetite, etc.
According to research, kundalini awakening is followed by a dramatic change in both the internal and external temperature of the body. Temperatures drop below what is considered normal for the body, which slows down metabolism and reduces oxygen consumption. This mandates that a practitioner consume light fare.
Foods like Kismis, green dal (moong dal), Badam (almonds), wheat, rice, barley, milk, cheese, and butter (raisins). vegetables such as planting stem, bhindi, low (a calabash-shaped gourd), Parwal (a pointed gourd), etc.
Dates, honey, dried ginger, black pepper, and a variety of fruits like apples, grapes, mangoes, bananas, oranges, and pomegranates.
5. Emulating Vairagya (Non-attachment)
One of the necessary rungs on the ladder to kundalini awakening is Vairagya or non-attachment. The vairagya is the place where one finds liberation and a sense of unity. Leave the bonds and connections behind since everything is an illusion or Maya, that must end in order to achieve pure reality.
- The Mooladhara and Swadhishthana chakra continue to hold the worldly worldview with aspirations and passion.
- One purifies themselves when one loses consciousness of illusory possessions and progresses to the joyful Manipura chakra.
- One arrives at the Anahata to feel ecstasy after additional mental purification through thought discharge.
- The person becomes extremely purified to experience Vishuddha, which is a spiritually lofty state, via intense meditation and surrender.
- When one reaches the Ajna chakra, located between the eyebrows, they enter a state of samadhi or the highest self.
- The entrance to Nirvikalpa Samadhi, also known as superconsciousness or the awakened state of a practitioner, is opened by the last and most awaited chakra of the thousand-petalled Sahasrara. In this place, the Sadhaka (practitioner) joins the shiva.
As a result, vairagya guides us toward kundalini awakening or self-realization.
After Kundalini Awakens: Positive vs. Negative Sides
Any energy, regardless of its source or strength, is constantly moving. However, it will use its environment to demonstrate its nature (transform from one state to another).
Similar to this, when our kundalini awakens, we experience an explosion of energy. You cannot stop it from altering your state of being in a specific way on a bodily, mental, and spiritual level.
On closer inspection, though, some aspects of the awakening are brought to light.
Positive Changes
- Our way of seeing the world is altered by kundalini energy. It fosters the development of a highly developed spiritual sense and intellectual vision that is far beyond what a typical individual could ever imagine.
- There is a psychic energy reservoir in our body, but it is empty when we are asleep. The psychic pool is significantly upgraded by Kundalini awakening to offer greater power on a subtle level.
- A normal human cannot encounter the many different sorts of frequencies and wavelengths that are present in the immediate environment. Interacting with those estranged beings was made feasible by kundalini reaching the Ajna or third eye chakra.
- A person’s creative abilities are harnessed by Kundalini, who then engages them in artistic and creative endeavors. When it reaches the Anahata chakra, this process starts.
- The experiences that Kundalini produces in her outburst are immense. The being’s biological, psychological, and emotional systems are subdued by that feminine goddess. But on Broadway, the person is powerless over themselves. A tiny bit of strange behavior results from this.
- Due to their immoral way of life and abuse of their bodies for sex, desire, taste, and other materialistic things, normal people will never be able to ascend the kundalini towards their heads. Even if they managed to awaken, a sudden symptom of impurity could have a disastrous impact on them for the rest of their lives.
- Awakened persons typically value spending their time alone since they have attained supreme consciousness. They don’t yearn to live in a neighborhood the way other people do.