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Vaman Dhauti or Kunjal Kriya: Method, Advantages, and Contraindications

Vaman Dhauti or Kunjal Kriya: Method, Advantages, and Contraindications

Various Dhauti is described in the ancient yogic literature Hatha Yoga Pradipika to ensure adequate cleansing of the internal organ system (action). There are...
Twine for the mind

Twine for the mind

Twine for the mind-the human mind and body are interconnected and even interdependent. Moreover, these relationships are so strong that the physical body can...
Padma Mayurasana (Peacock Lotus Pose): Stages, Benefits

Padma Mayurasana (Peacock Lotus Pose): Stages, Benefits

Padma Mayurasana is an easier preparatory variation of Mayurasana. In this asana, the folded legs represent Lotus and the lifted body on two arms...
6 Rajas-gunas (states of activity) practical guide

6 Rajas Gunas (states of activity) practical guide

Rajas Gunas is the attribute of a person or substance that promotes motion or action. Because of the large proportion of Rajas Gunas in...
Best Practice Guide Sarvangasana

Sarvangasana Best Practice

Best Practice of Sarvangasana. One of the opening stances in the series of inverted poses is Sarvangasana. You will have a sense of mental...