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How does meditation transform the mind?
Meditation transforms the mind the popularity of meditation is increasing as more and more people know about its health benefits.
How does meditation transform the...
6Yoga exercises with the best balls
Yoga exercises with the best balls, also known as a yoga ball, exercise ball, or stability ball, is a large inflatable ball typically used...
Karma yoga is the basis and essence
The Basis and Essence of Karma Yoga This article is devoted to the general concept of the theory of the law of karma, which...
Paschimottanasana: the best performance
Our backs become stiff and tight when we work at a desk or spend a lot of time sitting down. Additionally, the absence of...
Yoga in the fight against varicose veins
In this article, we will look at the reasons for fighting varicose veins and yoga recommendations for the prevention and improvement of this disease.