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Pashinee Mudra: Meaning, Application, and Advantages
Pashinee Mudra is a gesture known for its ability to overcome hidden subconscious fears. It is practiced assuming Halasana as the basic posture, hence, categorized as one of the postural (kaya) mudras. The hatha yoga techniques that Pashinee mudra is a component of demand flexibility, practice, and experience. This designates it as a difficult mudra to retain. The advantages it offers in...

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Shalabhasana Best Poses and Techniques

Shalabhasana Best Poses and Techniques

A prone yoga pose that bends the back is called Shalabhasana. It's one of the "baby backbends" that aids newer yoga practitioners in developing...
Balance Yoga Poses: Crow Pose | Crane Pose

Balance Yoga Poses: Crow Pose | Crane Pose

A compact arm balance, Crow Pose, and Crane Pose tone the abs and the arms, strengthen the core, and focus the mind. Balance Yoga Poses....
Men's yoga at its fines

Men’s yoga at its fines

Men's yoga at its finest The idea that yoga is only practiced by women is a stereotype in our culture. A common misconception among...
Baddha Konasana benefits of steps, poses

Baddha Konasana benefits of steps, poses

A common seated meditation pose is called Baddha Konasana. It's one of the best hip-opening postures for releasing energy blockages in the lower body. Sanskrit Baddha...
Chair Pose (Utkatasana): How to Do (Steps), Benefits & Precautions

Chair Pose (Utkatasana): Benefits & Precautions

A chair pose is a standing squat that let upper and lower body muscles strengthen simultaneously. While holding this pose for a while, you...