
Strengthen the Roots of Your Yoga Journey: Enhance your understanding of yoga philosophy, delve into the eight limbs of yoga, explore Sanskrit, unlock the secrets of the seven chakras, and embark on a profound journey of knowledge.

(Anahata)Meaning, location, and symptoms of a balanced and blocked heart chakra
The fourth of the seven primary chakras, often known as the heart chakra or Anahata chakra, is situated in the middle of the breastbone. It controls how people feel about themselves and the people in their lives, fostering forgiveness, compassion, and empathy. The Heart Chakra at a Glance Sanskrit Name – Meaning Anahata – unstruck sound Location Centre of chest Color Green Seed Mantra YAM Element Air Characteristics Harmony with nature, unconditional love, positive...
3 Best Sattva, Rajas, Tamas personality test
Sattva, Rajas, Tamas personality test: 3 Best Gunas for Knowing Your Personality. Ayurvedic philosophy provides an idea of the creation of the universe, from which the concept of Trigunas (Tri – 3 and Gunas – Qualities) of Nature evolved. According to the philosophy of Ayurveda, there was just Darkness (un-manifest) at the onset of creation which implies Purusha (Consciousness) and Prakriti (Nature). The universe is...
The concept of the best Chitta vritti nirodha
“ Best Chitta Vritti Nirodha” is one of the beginning sutras from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra. It tells us, what the true essence of Yoga is. Every single practice in yoga whether it’s Asana, Pranayama, meditation, or some spiritual karma has the ultimate aim of ‘self-realization’. Patanjali knew the ‘truer sense of self (self-realization)’ can be realized only when the Chitta is released from the...
What is the Root Chakra? Location, Symbol, and Imbalanced & Balanced Signs
The Root Chakra at a Glance Sanskrit Name Muladhara Location The base of the spine is the pelvic floor. Color Red Seed Mantra Lam Element Earth Qualities Stability, survival instinct, and security Signs of balance Full of vitality, fearlessness, and a sense of belonging Signs of imbalance Fatigue, constipation, fear, anxiety, lack, and instability What is Root Chakra? The first of seven chakras located at the base of the spine in our subtle body is the root...
Finding Harmony:5 tatva of body
Pancha 5 Tatva of body.In the scriptures of ancient history and civilizations, the phrase PanchaTatva is frequently referenced. Our phrase alludes to the “five elements” that make up both this cosmos and our bodies. Hindu mythology holds that these five fundamental elements are what make up a human body and that after death, the body is turned back into these...
Patanjali 8 Best Yoga Directions
Patanjali yoga has long been a way to achieve enlightenment, which allows you to experience unending bliss. The eight methodical and useful yoga practices make up the entire road to enlightenment. These various techniques combined to form the 8 limbs of yoga. Indeed, for many years, the discipline and practice of yoga were transmitted orally from teacher to disciple. In...
Pratyahara: Meaning and benefits
Pratyahara is a meditation warm-up exercise where one learns to master their sense organs. According to yoga, there are 11 sense organs in the human body according to yoga; five of them are the Pancha Karmendriyas, five are the Pancha Jnanendriyas, and one is the manas. As one of the 11 sense organs, the mind (or manas in yoga), meditation...

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12 yoga poses for two that will teach you to trust

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Nadia Shodhana’s breathing calms and relaxes

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Shanmukhi Mudra: Meaning, Best Application

Shanmukhi Mudra: Meaning, Best Application

Shanmukhi Mudra is a simple practice to inward the awareness (that usually flows out) by closing our sense of perception. On doing this, a...