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Strengthen the Roots of Your Yoga Journey: Enhance your understanding of yoga philosophy, delve into the eight limbs of yoga, explore Sanskrit, unlock the secrets of the seven chakras, and embark on a profound journey of knowledge.

The Sacral chakra is the 6 best balances
Sacral Chakra some people think that our body contains a number of energy centers. The Sanskrit term for "wheel" is where the word "chakra" originates. Every chakra or wheel is regarded as an energetic center that is pulsating throughout the body. The chakras are described in the Vedas, ancient Hindu texts, as early as 500 BC. The chakras are said...
What Are Chakras: 7 Signs of a Balanced or Imbalanced Chakra
What Are Chakras? The concept of Chakras is closely attached to energy. The energy within us, also which is manifested in the whole universe. The Universe is referred to as a system of many elements acting or fused together to function as a unit. According to Tantric Buddhism and Hinduism, just like the Universe, Our body itself is believed to be...
What is the Root Chakra? Location, Symbol, and Imbalanced & Balanced Signs
The Root Chakra at a Glance Sanskrit Name Muladhara Location The base of the spine is the pelvic floor. Color Red Seed Mantra Lam Element Earth Qualities Stability, survival instinct, and security Signs of balance Full of vitality, fearlessness, and a sense of belonging Signs of imbalance Fatigue, constipation, fear, anxiety, lack, and instability What is Root Chakra? The first of seven chakras located at the base of the spine in our subtle body is the root...
The Sahasrara (Crown Chakra): All That You Need to Know
Knowing others is wisdom, and Knowing the self is enlightenment. ~ Lao Tzu Sahasrara this quotation emphasizes the idea that the ultimate reality of existence is to transcend materialistic individuality and connect with the entire cosmos. The most popular Crown Chakra affirmation, "I am one with the universal awareness," puts the focus on the issue of whether or not you have...
6 Rajas-gunas (states of activity) practical guide
Rajas Gunas is the attribute of a person or substance that promotes motion or action. Because of the large proportion of Rajas Gunas in Chitta’s formation, our mind is usually found in a wandering state. It is the reason meditation doesn’t come easily. The three Ayurvedic Gunas are the fundamental life energies that pervade our bodies and the world around...
The Solar Plexus Chakra is the best healing power
The Solar Plexus Chakra "The yogi shakes the universe by contemplating the Self as the Manipura chakra, which is brilliant like the rising Sun, and gazing at the tip of the nose." the Goraksha-Praddhati Prior to everything else, our self-assurance, self-worth, and willpower are what set us apart from the pack. The sole reason why every person has unique conduct...
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Everything You Should Know About It
Third Eye Chakra there is a well-known Sanskrit saying that liberation can be obtained by dying in Varanasi. India's Varanasi is an intense spiritual center. "Eyebrows" is what Varana and "nose" mean in Sanskrit. As a result, "Varanasi" also means "Third Eye," the area between the eyebrows and the bridge of the nose. When you leave your awareness at the Third...
3 Best Gunas Sattva, Rajas and Tamas
The concept of Best Trigunas  (Three - 3  Best Gunas - Qualities) of Nature emerged from Ayurvedic philosophy, which provides a picture of the universe's creation. According to Ayurvedic philosophy, there was only Darkness (unmanifest) at the beginning of creation, implying Purusha (Consciousness) and Prakriti (Nature). Prakriti and Purusha come together to form the universe (the Female and male aspects...
Shanmukhi Mudra: Meaning, Best Application
Shanmukhi Mudra is a simple practice to inward the awareness (that usually flows out) by closing our sense of perception. On doing this, a seeker can see a clearer picture of their ‘thought patterns’ – Known as Vrittis in yoga. Among different types of yoga mudras, this mudra is a part of Mana Mudra which is usually seen as the active involvement...
Finding Harmony:5 tatva of body
Pancha 5 Tatva of body.In the scriptures of ancient history and civilizations, the phrase PanchaTatva is frequently referenced. Our phrase alludes to the “five elements” that make up both this cosmos and our bodies. Hindu mythology holds that these five fundamental elements are what make up a human body and that after death, the body is turned back into these...
The concept of the best Chitta vritti nirodha
“ Best Chitta Vritti Nirodha” is one of the beginning sutras from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra. It tells us, what the true essence of Yoga is. Every single practice in yoga whether it’s Asana, Pranayama, meditation, or some spiritual karma has the ultimate aim of ‘self-realization’. Patanjali knew the ‘truer sense of self (self-realization)’ can be realized only when the Chitta is released from the...

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Guide to Breathing Techniques: 14 Essential Pranayamas

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