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Vrikshasana (Tree Pose): Steps, Beginner’s Tip & Benefits
Vrikshasana or the Tree Pose. What living thing do you notice that is the calmest, stillest, and most patient as you look around at...
Indian dish Khir- is a delicacy of the god Shiva.
Indian dish khir is a sweet and flavorful dish, a cross between porridge and pudding. It is characterized by the use of spice kings...
6Yoga exercises with the best balls
Yoga exercises with the best balls, also known as a yoga ball, exercise ball, or stability ball, is a large inflatable ball typically used...
11 Asanas against Stress and fatigue
Asanas against Stress you will understand how to manage them by choosing stress-relieving asanas, yoga asanas that coordinate your condition for home practice.
Every one...
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Everything You Should Know About It
Third Eye Chakra there is a well-known Sanskrit saying that liberation can be obtained by dying in Varanasi.
India's Varanasi is an intense spiritual center....