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Patanjali 8 Best Yoga Directions
Patanjali yoga has long been a way to achieve enlightenment, which allows you to experience unending bliss. The eight methodical and useful yoga practices...
Baddha Konasana benefits of steps, poses
A common seated meditation pose is called Baddha Konasana. It's one of the best hip-opening postures for releasing energy blockages in the lower body.
Can Yoga Exercises For The Eyes Take Off The Glasses? 6 exercises to improve...
Exercises to improve vision It would be too extreme to say that yoga eye exercises may remove spectacles. Yoga or any other eye exercise...
Vegetarian soup from Masha
Vegetarian soup from Masha is very tasty, satisfying, and nutritious. It is prepared quite simply and contains a lot of useful substances. Green mache...
Vrikshasana (Tree Pose): Steps, Beginner’s Tip & Benefits
Vrikshasana or the Tree Pose. What living thing do you notice that is the calmest, stillest, and most patient as you look around at...