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Elevate Your Well-Being with Yoga – Nourish Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

The basics of yoga: the main principles and useful information
Cervical osteochondrosis is a world-class disease because it affects people all over the globe (40-90%). This pathology in most cases occurs in people of mature age, after 30 years. Back pain in everyday life is often attributed to this disease. In this article, we will look at the detailed symptoms, and learn the causes and methods of treatment of...
What Is Trataka: Candle Flame Trataka, Types, Benefits & More
What Is Trataka Yoga's main goal has always been to calm the mind's cognitive processes. Yogis employed a variety of meditation techniques to stop these thinking patterns from fluctuating. However, when we are aware of where our minds are occupied the most and make an effort to reduce that time, meditation becomes more comfortable and calm. According to scientific research, 50%...

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6 Rajas Gunas (states of activity) practical guide

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Vastra Dhauti – the best stomach cleansing

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Twine for the mind-the human mind and body are interconnected and even interdependent. Moreover, these relationships are so strong that the physical body can...
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Breathing – control over energy

Breath - control over energy management plays an important role in our lives, and its interaction with the body, mind, heart, and spirit is...