Home Yoga Food, Nutrition

Yoga Food, Nutrition

Discover the perfect Yoga Food and nutrition for your yoga journey. Check out the nutrition information, delicious recipes, and much more so that your dishes bring joy and satisfaction.

8 Energy and longevity spices for health
Longevity spices for health flavors have been around for centuries! Most of the fragrances that we know and use today come from the Middle East, Asia, and the Mediterranean. (1) Aromas have been used in these areas for both health and culinary purposes since long before our era. (2) Fragrances were highly revered when they were first found; outdated social...
Coconut and rice pudding
The first and last meal can be quite challenging if you're looking for something healthy and delicious. This is especially difficult for those who have eaten vegetarian food. But the Coconut and rice pudding recipe presented in this article may be what you're looking for. Traditional rice pudding is high in both processed foods and fat. However, using coconut milk...
Oatmeal steamed with fruit
Composition: Oatmeal-1 tbsp. Milk - 1 tbsp. Yogurt-1/2 tbsp. Banana - 1 PC. Strawberries-10 PCs. Peanut butter-2 tbsp (optional) Vanilla-pinch Stevia or honey to taste Chia seeds-1 tbsp. Preparation: Oatmeal steamed with fruit. Cut the banana and strawberry into small pieces. Pour the oatmeal in a deep bowl with milk, add the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly. To leave for the night. In the morning, a delicious breakfast is ready. Have...
Spinach cream soup
Spinach soup is a very healthy dish, as it contains not only a large number of vitamins (A, C, E) but also a large number of trace elements in biologically available form, as well as iodine. Spinach goes well with other vegetables. Such soups, suitable for dietary nutrition, also have a pleasant light sour taste. Many cooks prepare spinach...
Vegetarian soup from Masha
Vegetarian soup from Masha is very tasty, satisfying, and nutritious. It is prepared quite simply and contains a lot of useful substances. Green mache alone contains as many as 18 amino acids, which can not be ignored. Constant consumption of these beans reduces cholesterol and stabilizes blood pressure. Composition: Mash - 1 art. Carrots - 1 PC Potatoes - 2 PCs. Sweet pepper -...
Pumpkin puree soup is something that a gourmet cannot do without in winter. What could be nicer than dipping crusty bread into a large bowl of creamy pumpkin soup? And there are millions of recipes for this soup. Composition Pulp of ripe pumpkin - 500 g Cream-150 g Potatoes-3 pcs. Carrots-2 pcs. Salt and spices to taste   Preparation Wash potatoes, carrots, and pumpkin, peel, cut into pieces...
Quinoa with zucchini
Quinoa with zucchini this dish is rich in protein quinoa groats will become even healthier, tastier, and juicier if you supplement it with baked zucchini with garlic. Zucchini are cut into thin circles and baked in the oven, and then mixed with boiled spicy quinoa, olive oil, and fresh herbs. Add a little pine nut to the side dish,...
Dish with green string beans and asparagus
A dish with green string beans and asparagus. Green string beans rightfully took pride of place in the diet of everyone who strives to maintain health and carefully monitors their own nutrition. This plant is a real storehouse of vitamins, trace elements, and dietary fiber, thanks to which you can quickly improve digestion, get rid of metabolic problems, strengthen...
String beans with mushrooms
Such a low caloric content of string beans, coupled with high nutritional properties, allows you to use it as a main product for weight loss, and excellent taste qualities guarantee that snacks and side dishes with asparagus will appeal to even the most fastidious gourmets on a diet. How valuable mushrooms are as a food depends on their age. What...
Salad of roasted vegetables
Beetroot-5 PCs. young Honey-1 tbsp. Olive oil-1 tbsp. Balsamic vinegar-2 tsp. Sea salt and black pepper Potatoes – 1-2 PCs. Pumpkin-500 g Carrots-8-10 PCs. (a little young) Spices Pesto sauce Salad, spinach   Cook: Salad of roasted vegetables is very easy to prepare. Preheat the oven to 190 ° C. Boil the beat for 30 minutes. Drain and leave to cool for 5 minutes. While the beetroot is cooking, put all the vegetables...
Vegetarian sauce " Bechamel"
On the off chance that you have issues with dairy items, or you are a veggie lover or vegan, or only for reasons unknown you can not stand to get yourself a genuine pasta or lasagna with the most sensitive exemplary Bechamel sauce, at that point I rush to satisfy you - you can set up a vegetarian variety...

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Vegetarian cheesecake

Vegetarian cheesecake

Vegetarian cheesecake: ingredients For the basics: Dates-50 g Any nuts - 100 g Water - 1 tbsp. Green buckwheat flakes - 1 tbsp Filling Cashew -...
Throw off the shackles. Yoga for a healthy neck.

Throw off the shackles. Yoga for a healthy neck.

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The best Ayurvedic medicine for strengthening nerves, diseases are the result of a number of psychological and physical ailments, such as anxiety, depression, and...
How to Perform Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): Steps, Benefits, and Caution

How to Perform Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): Steps, Benefits, and Caution

The backbend pose known as Bhujangasana allows the practitioner to move their lower back and spine. Additionally, it encourages flexibility throughout the entire torso,...